Great discussions today! I'm excited!
Electronic link to "Homeless" by Anna Quidlen
Journal #2: A Place
We've done a lot with people watching, now let's switch to places. Think of a place that you are very familiar with--it could be someplace you go now, a place from childhood, a place you go when you need to get away. It can be in nature or urban. A house. A van. A place you go to in your imagination. Put yourself in that place and describe it. What's the weather like? What time of day is it? What are the sounds, smells, tastes and sights of the place? How do you feel there? Are you alone? Who else is there? What happens in this place? Feel free to make something happen there if you like. Write for 10 minutes.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Welcome to class, Saturday-ers! I think it's going to be a great class.
Thanks for a great discussion in class today. Guess what I found: a Youtube video based on Annie Dillard's "Death of A Moth." Crazy. Watch video here.
Electronic link to "The Things They Carried" by Tim O'Brian.
Electronic link to "Homeless" by Anna Quindlen"
In-class writings:
Creative Monsters
At some point in our writing we were given a potentially damaging message. For example, maybe in 2nd grade Mrs. Thompson said that you were a horrible speller, or Mr. Jones said your handwriting was atrocious or Ms. Dillon said you would never be able to write. It could have been a teacher, a parent, another adult or even a peer. Regardless, these messages stay with us. Your writing prompt: Write out the story of one of these “Creative Monsters.” Describe the person, the situation, the setting, what happened, how it made you feel, and how it ended. Try and arrange it like a story, with a beginning, middle, and end. Tell it with enthusiasm and color, as if you were telling a story to one of your friends over dinner. If you want an extra challenge (good for you!)trying beginning the story "Once upon a time" and see what happens.
Journal #1: Character Sketch
(This is the first prompt that should be in your journal.)
In class we paired up. On your own, you should find a stranger, maybe a classmate, maybe a stranger on the bus, etc. The idea is to "sketch" the person with words. Basically you are going to describe them, but focus on the particulars, on the details, on what about them makes them stand out as an individual. Don't just say they are wearing shoes, but what KIND of shoes? What is unique about them? And then take your observations a step further: by just looking at the details, what kind of person might they be? What might they do in their spare time? What might they be thinking about right now...?
The idea is not to be "right," as you will probably in fact be wrong. The idea is to create a character out of them, invent them, make it all up and use your imagination.
Thanks for a great discussion in class today. Guess what I found: a Youtube video based on Annie Dillard's "Death of A Moth." Crazy. Watch video here.
Electronic link to "The Things They Carried" by Tim O'Brian.
Electronic link to "Homeless" by Anna Quindlen"
In-class writings:
Creative Monsters
At some point in our writing we were given a potentially damaging message. For example, maybe in 2nd grade Mrs. Thompson said that you were a horrible speller, or Mr. Jones said your handwriting was atrocious or Ms. Dillon said you would never be able to write. It could have been a teacher, a parent, another adult or even a peer. Regardless, these messages stay with us. Your writing prompt: Write out the story of one of these “Creative Monsters.” Describe the person, the situation, the setting, what happened, how it made you feel, and how it ended. Try and arrange it like a story, with a beginning, middle, and end. Tell it with enthusiasm and color, as if you were telling a story to one of your friends over dinner. If you want an extra challenge (good for you!)trying beginning the story "Once upon a time" and see what happens.
Journal #1: Character Sketch
(This is the first prompt that should be in your journal.)
In class we paired up. On your own, you should find a stranger, maybe a classmate, maybe a stranger on the bus, etc. The idea is to "sketch" the person with words. Basically you are going to describe them, but focus on the particulars, on the details, on what about them makes them stand out as an individual. Don't just say they are wearing shoes, but what KIND of shoes? What is unique about them? And then take your observations a step further: by just looking at the details, what kind of person might they be? What might they do in their spare time? What might they be thinking about right now...?
The idea is not to be "right," as you will probably in fact be wrong. The idea is to create a character out of them, invent them, make it all up and use your imagination.
Saturday 090 Syllabus
ENG 090--509 (3 credits) Basic Composition
Fall, 2010
Instructor: Nancy Stohlman
Class Meets Saturdays from 9:00-11:45 in South Classroom Room #108
Instructor’s Office: South Classroom Room 230
Instructor’s Mailbox: South Classroom Room 313
Instructor’s email:
Class blog:
Office Hours: Saturdays 11:45-12:30 or by appointment
Center for Educational Advancement
Prerequisites: “C” or better in ENG 060 or ACCUPLACER score of 70-94
or a C or better in ESL 053
Co-requisite: AAA 099: Enhanced Learning Support 1 credit
**If you have no experience typing, you may want to sign up for a 1-credit computer keyboarding class this semester, BTE 100
Required Course Materials:
Readings for Writers, CCD Developmental English Faculty
Sin and Syntax, Constance Hale
One 8.5x11 spiral-bound notebook that will be periodically turned in for review
Additional handouts provided
A paperback college-level dictionary
A paperback college-level thesaurus
Course Description
This course emphasizes both critical thinking and creative writing as students explore composition for diverse purposes and audiences. Students will develop skills required for college-level writing while reviewing paragraph structure and focusing on essay development, storytelling and an increased comfort and ease with language.
Course Objectives and Classroom Methods
To make you a better writer, of course! Specifically by the end of the semester I want you to have an increased knowledge in: grammar, descriptive and metaphoric language, clichés, story arcs, points of view, tenses, essay structure, intro and conclusions, vocabulary, topic sentences, dialogue, revision and workshopping, voice, sentence structure, rhythm, and most importantly—learning to trust yourself as a writer.
Kinds of Writing we’ll be doing:
Process/Reflective Essay
Final Portfolio
Your journal will consist mostly of in-class exercises and other handwritten work. It will be turned in for review 2 times during the semester.
There will be 5 major assignments:
Descriptive Essay
Narrative Essay
Expository Essay
Persuasive Essay
Final Portfolio
Each of these assignments will be preceded by prompts, rough drafts and in-class workshopping, so don’t panic!
Evaluation Methods and Class Management
To complete this course successfully you must finish all work with a C or better, turn your work in on time and in the proper format, conform to class attendance policies, and participate regularly in class. Participation means coming to class with all written assignments completed and ready to turn in and all reading assignments completed and ready for discussion. I will give pop quizzes on a random basis which will count as part of your participation grade.
Late Work: Work that is one class period late will be docked 50% of possible points. Late work that is more than one class period late will not be accepted. If you are unable to attend class, you may turn in work to me by email no later than the end of your scheduled class time on the day it is due to receive full credit.
Absolutely no texting or cell phone use during class. I will ask you to leave. If you must take a call, inform me of this before class and exit quietly to take your call.
Attendance is crucial for your learning, since much of our work will be done in class. You will be allowed two absences that won’t affect your grade. However, I will deduct 10 points from your final grade starting with your third absence. This means that you can do everything else in class but still fail the class if you do not show up. I repeat: You can turn in all assignments and still fail the class if you have too many absences. So make sure to show up.
Students will be held responsible for any and all information missed due to absence, including assignments. I suggest that you exchange contact information with one or two other students in the class in case you miss a class and need to know what you have missed. Also please consult the Class Blog, as I will post changes to the syllabus and writing prompts there. I reserve the right to change the assignment dates and/or descriptions at any time during the semester. I will always announce any changes in class and on the Class Blog, so it is the student’s responsibility to keep informed of any changes. Since I have several classes using the Class Blog, please be sure to look for the “Saturday” posts for this class.
In keeping with CCD’s Attendance Policy: “Faculty may give a failing grade to any student who has a 15% or greater absence from a course, starting from the first class meeting.”
Tardy Policy: While sometimes being late is unavoidable, tardiness is disruptive to the class and should be avoided. Three tardies (more than 10 minutes) will equal one absence.
Leaving Class Early: Same as tardy policy above. Please don’t schedule work, appointments, etc. during class time, as leaving early is equally as disruptive and disrespectful of class time.
Final Portfolio 18 points
Journal 12 points
Assigned Exercises 8 points
Essays 40 points
Participation/Quizzes 10 points
Writing Center Hours 8 points
Blog Posting 4 points
Total Possible 100 points
(Instructor may award 5 bonus points to any student showing exceptional effort)
Instructor may offer bonus assignments at her discretion.
A: 90-100
B: 80-90
C: 70-80
D: 60-70
F: 59 or lower
Essay Formatting
Each time you submit a final essay, all previous brainstorming, outlining, and early drafts must also be submitted with the final draft. Drafts, final drafts, and essays must be turned in typed. THIS MEANS everything but your notebook needs to be turned in TYPED. No exceptions.
All work should be double-spaced, 1-inch margins, 12 point font Times New Roman. Please put page numbers if more than one page (either top or bottom). All work should be formatted as follows and given a title:
English 090-509, Sat 9:00-11:45
Nancy Stohlman
Assignment (i.e. Descriptive Paragraph First Draft, Narrative Essay Final Draft, etc.)
Class Blog
I will update the class blog with specifics of the day, daily prompts, any changes to syllabus or reminders, announcements, etc. The class blog is NOT a substitute for the syllabus, however, so you will need to consult your syllabus for your daily assignments. Please consult the blog (or another student) if you missed class and need to know what you missed. Please keep in mind that I have several classes using the blog, so when searching for your missed days, please look for the “Saturday” posts.
Everyone must post one piece of writing done in this class to the class blog. In order to post, please send your work to my email at and put in the subject line: Please Post to Blog. Make sure your name is on you paper, of course. Keep in mind that I will not edit your paper for you but will post it as is, so make sure it’s ready before you post. You may post multiple times, but only once is required. Email your post to me no later than December 4.
Final Portfolio
Your final portfolio will be an 8-10 page polished compilation of the work you’ve been doing this semester plus a Process/Reflective Essay. You’ll have a chance to workshop it with a colleague, but this portfolio should be error-free. I’ll expect you to use all formatting guidelines. Also, I’ll expect that each piece will have been revised again since I saw it last—I will be able to tell! Think of this as a final art exhibit of your work. Details when we get closer.
Plagiarism is literary theft of another author’s ideas and/or exact words, without giving proper credit to the source in both the text of your essay and on the Works Cited sheet. This rule is true of direct quotes, paraphrases, and summaries. Plagiarism is a serious ethical offense and may be grounds for the student’s failure in this class. Cheating of any kind will get you kicked out of my class and possibly expelled.
Writing Center
All ENG 090 students must attend Writing Center sessions based on the requirements for AAA 090. AAA 099 requirements: 25 hours in the Academic Support Center Labs
Please take advantage of the FREE tutors in the Writing Lab—students who take that kind of initiative always turn in stronger work and get higher grades. If you cannot attend the Writing Center to have a tutor advise you, you may use the OWL to submit papers on line. This requires planning ahead since the return time is 48 hours.
Tentative Course Schedule and Weekly Assignments:
(subject to change)
**Every day we will do in-class exercises—you will need a spiral-bound notebook for just this class. Please bring your readings for the day and spiral notebooks to every class.
Week One: Introductions. Descriptive Writing
Saturday, 8/28: Introductions, Syllabus, Course Objectives
In-class writing: Creative Monsters
In-class writing: Journal #1
Ten Things to Stop Misspelling (in-class handout)
“Death of The Moth” Virginia Wolfe (handout)
“Death of A Moth” by Annie Dillard (handout)
Discussion: Sensory Description
Take Home Descriptive Exercise: Sit in a public place for 5-10 minutes with your journal, just watching. Then write for 10 minutes describing in great detail what you saw, witnessed, etc. Think about using strong nouns and sensory description.
Week Two: Descriptive Writing
Saturday, 9/4: DUE: Descriptive Exercise in proper format
Syllabus Review
Discussion: “The Things They Carried” by Tim O’Brien (handout)
“Homeless” by Anna Quindlen from Reader for Writers
Chapter 1 “Nouns” from Sin and Syntax
Journal #2 and #3: Descriptive (please have your spiral notebooks)
Discussion: Nouns/Editing
Week Three: Descriptive Writing
Saturday, 9/11: DUE: Descriptive Rough Draft with three copies
“Coming into Language” by Jimmy Santiago Baca (handout)
“Adjectives” from Sin and Syntax
“Shitty First Drafts” by Anne Lamott (handout)
Discussion of workshopping
In-class workshopping
All class workshopping
Metaphoric Language
Journal #4 and #5: Descriptive
Week Four: Narrative Writing
Saturday, 9/18: DUE: Descriptive Essay with all rough drafts
Discussion of Narrative Writing
“Only Daughter” by Sandra Ciscneros in Reader for Writers
Discussion: “Rawlings” by William Haywood Henderson (in-class handout)
“Salvation” by Langston Hughes (in-class handout)
Journal # 6 and #7: Narrative
Discussion: Story Arc, Beginnings, Middles Endings
Discussion: Dialogue formatting
Take Home Narrative Exercise: Eavesdrop for at least 5 minutes on someone else’s conversation, either in public or not. Then attempt to write the entire conversation verbatim, but making sure to use the “voice” of the people speaking. OR ask someone to tell you their story and write it down in their voice.
Week Five: Narrative Writing
Saturday, 9/25: DUE: Narrative Exercise
“Verbs” from Sin and Syntax
“Am I Blue” by Alice Walker from Reader for Writers
“Returning to Southie” by Michael Patrick McDonald in Reader
Discussion: Verbs/Verb Tenses
Journal #8 and #9: Narrative
“Put Your Shirt On, Fabio” by Shane Jimenez (in-class handout)
Discussion: Voice
Week Six: Narrative Writing
Saturday, 10/2: DUE: Rough Draft Narrative Essay with three copies
Due: Journals
All class workshop
Discussion: Radical Revision
“Someone to Read Your Drafts” by Anne Lamott (handout)
“Pronouns” in Sin and Syntax
Discussion: POV
Journal # 10 and #11
Week Seven: Expository Writing
Saturday, 10/9: Due: Narrative Essay with all attachments
Discussion of Expository Writing
Journal #12 and # 13: Expository
In class: “Morning Pages” by Julia Cameron
“37 Who Saw Murder Didn’t Call Police” from Readers for Writers
“On Dumpster Diving” by Lars Eighner in Reader for Writers
“Adverbs” in Sin and Syntax
Take Home Expository Exercise: Take Home Expository Exercise: Read at least one newspaper article, paying attention to the style of journalistic writing: straight expository information answering the questions who, what, when, where, and how. Note the "lead" sentence format: who, what, when, where, and how all answered in the first sentence. Write a newspaper article about some event in your life this week or something you witness (I prefer something that just happened rather than something from the past). Give it a headline, lead sentence, etc. One page.
Week Eight: Expository Writing
Saturday, 10/16: Due: Expository Exercise
“Politics and the English Language” by George Orwell in Reader for Writers
Discussion: Cliches and handout “How to slay a cliché”
“Serving in Florida” by Barbara Ehrenreich in Reader for Writers
Journal #14 and # 15: Expository
Week Nine: Expository Writing
Saturday, 10/23: Due: Rough Draft Expository with three copies
In-class Workshop
All class workshop
“Hearing Voices” by Linda Hogan in Reader for Writers
“I Have a Dream” by Martin Luther King, Jr. (handout)
“Just Walk on By” (handout)
Discussion: Rhythm
Journal #16 and #17: Expository
Week Ten: Persuasive
Saturday, 10/30: Final Expository Essay Due with all attachments
Discussion of Persuasive Writing
Discussion: Five Paragraph Essays
“What We Eat” by Eric Schlosser in Reader for Writers
“Repping Islam” by Isra Javed Bhatty in Reader for Writers
Journal #18 and # 19: Persuasive
Take Home Persuasive Exercise: Either listen in on or begin a controversial discussion. Then write a Point/Counterpoint. OR write a review of anything: a meal you ate, a movie you rented, a date you went on, an event you attended. The purpose here is to have a strong opinion and let that come through.
Week Eleven: Persuasive
Saturday, 11/6: DUE: Persuasive Exercise in proper formatting
“What is Poverty?” by Jo Goodwin Parker in Reader for Writers
“Serve or Fail” by Dave Eggers in Reader for Writers
“The Subject and the Predicate” in Sin and Syntax
Discussion: Sentence Fragments
Journal # 20 and #21: Persuasive
Week Twelve: Persuasive
Saturday, 11/13: Due: Persuasive Rough Draft with three copies
“A Modest Proposal” by Jonathan Swift (handout)
All-class workshop
In class workshop
Journal #22 and #23: Persuasive/Satire
Week Thirteen: Portfolio
Saturday, 11/20: DUE: Final Draft Persuasive Essay with all attachments
Discussion of Final Portfolio
Journal #24 and # 25: Process
Reading: “On Writing” by Stephen King (handout)
Other readings TBA
Week of November 22-26 off Happy Thanksgiving! Work on Portfolios!
Week Fourteen: Portfolio workshop
Saturday, 12/4 : DUE: Rough Draft Portfolio with 1 copy (partners will be assigned)
DUE: Journals
In-class Portfolio workshopping
Due: All blog posts and extra credit
Week Fifteen: Wrap up
Final Portfolios due 12/11 by 12:00 pm (noon) MST
Extra Credit:
(All extra credit must be received by instructor no later than December 4, 2010)
• Create Your Own Blog—2 points
Two points extra credit will be given to anyone who starts their own blog as a result of this class and makes at least three posts of their own writing throughout the semester. In order to receive credit, please email me with the link to your blog by December 4.
• Attend a Literary Event and Write a Response—2 points
Two points extra credit will be given to anyone attending a literary event around town and then writing a one-page response to the event. The response should be written in the same format and with the same attention to detail as you would any other homework assignment. Below is a list of possible ongoing literary events, but if you find others not listed here, or one-time-events, please check with me first to make sure it will count. Papers must be received no later than December 4.
Here is an event that I will be part of:
Release Party for Fast Forward: The Mix Tape
Friday, September 24th, 7 pm
The Mercury Café
2199 California St, Denver
And here are some ongoing events:
1st & LAST Mondays
SlamNuba – open mic & slam feat. members of the Cafe Nuba Slam Team + DJ CaveM
doors 7:30pm – $5 – All-Ages
@Crossroads Theatre, 26th & Welton in Denver’s Five Points
2nd & 4th Tuesdays
Minor Disturbance Youth Series & Slam – feat. writing wksps & performances
7:30pm – Free (donations welcome) – Youth (ages 12-19) Community Space, 27th & Larimer, Denver
1st & 3rd Tuesdays
Justiz Speech Open Mic
7:00pm – 11:00pm | Free | All-Ages
@Gypsy House Cafe, 13th & Marion St. Denver
Last Wednesday of the Month
“Poet As Muse” – feat. spoken-word, live visual art, hookah & good vibes
7:30pm – Free – All-Ages
@Gypsy House Cafe, 13th & Marion St. Denver
DejaVu – spoken word mic feat. local & national poets for the “grown & sexy”
Every Wednesday | 9:00pm – 21+
@Twisted Olive at Northfield Stapleton, 8270 Northfields Blvd, Unit 1480 Denver
Every Wednesday
“She Said” Interactive Mic
9:00pm – 12:30am | 21+ | LGBTQ-Powered
@ Her Bar, E. Colfax & Pearl, Denver
2nd Fridays
Cafe Cultura – Latino & Indigenous inspired spoken-word, music & live art
7:30pm – Free – All-Ages/Youth-Powered
@LaAcademia, 9th & Galapego
1st & 3rd Saturdays
The SpeakOut Poetry Getaway – urban word, community issues & poetry
doors: 8:00pm/show 9:00pm – $5 – All-Ages
@Sam’s BBQ, 435 So. Cherry, Glendale, CO
Mercury Slam – spoken-word and slam w/ feat. local & national poets
Every Sunday | 7:30pm – $5 suggested donation – All-Ages/Youth-Powered
@Mercury Cafe, 21st & California St. Denver
Important dates:
Last day to drop and receive a refund for 15-week classes is
Last day to drop the class with a W is
Grades available to students:
Student Code of Conduct and Academic Integrity Admission to the Community College of Denver implies that you agree to respect the rights of others and observe moral and civil laws. Interference with the normal processes of education in the classroom or elsewhere on the campus will be regarded as unacceptable conduct, warranting suspension or dismissal. Complete Student Code of Conduct is at this web site:
Americans with Disabilities Act Students with a documented disability who need reasonable accommodations to achieve course objectives should notify the instructor and apply for services at the Center for Persons with Disabilities within the first week of classes. NOTE: All students who identify themselves to faculty as having a disability or suspect that they have a disability should be encouraged to contact the Director of the Center for Persons with Disabilities (CPD), Room 134, South Classroom Building, 1st Floor. Faculty is not obligated to provide accommodations without proper notification from the Center for Persons with Disabilities Office. You may also contact CPD staff by telephone to make an appointment: (303) 556-3300.
More information is available at
Grade of Incomplete
Incomplete: An "I" indicates that the course objectives are not yet fulfilled. It is the responsibility of the student to request, if needed, the assignment of an incomplete grade. The instructor's decision to authorize or not authorize an incomplete grade is final. The student must have completed 75% of the class with a C or better, and must complete the rest of the work with the same instructor. Arrangement for the completion of the course must be made with the instructor prior to the assignment of the "I" grade. This agreement must be written on a Contract for Incomplete Grade Form. The instructor may allow up to one full semester for the student to complete missing requirements. "I" grades not changed by the end of the following semester will automatically become failing grades (F).
Grade of SP You can receive an SP grade only if you
• attended the full term (missing no more than 5 classes and completing all 15 hours of lab work)
• have shown satisfactory progress by completing all assigned course work
• but have not yet mastered the skills that will give you the opportunity to be successful in the next class in the sequence.
If the SP grade is received, you must complete the course within the next 15 week semester, or the grade will change to NC (no credit). If the SP grade is received, you may attend the same course the following semester (without registering or paying again for the course) with the same instructor or a different instructor (with her/his permission). You must show the instructor the proper paperwork (from the instructor who graded you SP) to be allowed into the class. If you earn a C or better at the completion of the course, the instructor will submit a grade change to change the SP to a C or better. Then you will be allowed to register for the next course in the sequence. A D, F, AW, I, or SP will not allow you to enter the next course in the sequence.
Educational Case Manager: Rosie Sanchez
Help with advising, financial aid, academic and related personal issues
Office: SO 312 E
Phone: (303) 556-2790
Email for appointment or stop by her office
Keep Track of Your Grade
Descriptive Exercise: _____________ (2)
Descriptive Essay _____________ (10)
Narrative Exercise: _____________ (2)
First Half Journal: _____________ (6)
Narrative Essay: _____________ (10)
Expository Exercise: ______________(2)
Expository Essay: ______________(10)
Persuasive Exercise:_____________ (2)
Persuasive Essay:_______________(10)
Second Half Journal ______________ (6)
Blog Posting _______________ (4)
25 Lab Hours: _______________(8)
Portfolio: ________________(18)
Participation (including pop quizzes): ________________ (10)
Total: _______________ (100)
Absences: ______________ (Subtract 10 points for every absence after first two)
Grand Total: _______________ (100)
Fall, 2010
Instructor: Nancy Stohlman
Class Meets Saturdays from 9:00-11:45 in South Classroom Room #108
Instructor’s Office: South Classroom Room 230
Instructor’s Mailbox: South Classroom Room 313
Instructor’s email:
Class blog:
Office Hours: Saturdays 11:45-12:30 or by appointment
Center for Educational Advancement
Prerequisites: “C” or better in ENG 060 or ACCUPLACER score of 70-94
or a C or better in ESL 053
Co-requisite: AAA 099: Enhanced Learning Support 1 credit
**If you have no experience typing, you may want to sign up for a 1-credit computer keyboarding class this semester, BTE 100
Required Course Materials:
Readings for Writers, CCD Developmental English Faculty
Sin and Syntax, Constance Hale
One 8.5x11 spiral-bound notebook that will be periodically turned in for review
Additional handouts provided
A paperback college-level dictionary
A paperback college-level thesaurus
Course Description
This course emphasizes both critical thinking and creative writing as students explore composition for diverse purposes and audiences. Students will develop skills required for college-level writing while reviewing paragraph structure and focusing on essay development, storytelling and an increased comfort and ease with language.
Course Objectives and Classroom Methods
To make you a better writer, of course! Specifically by the end of the semester I want you to have an increased knowledge in: grammar, descriptive and metaphoric language, clichés, story arcs, points of view, tenses, essay structure, intro and conclusions, vocabulary, topic sentences, dialogue, revision and workshopping, voice, sentence structure, rhythm, and most importantly—learning to trust yourself as a writer.
Kinds of Writing we’ll be doing:
Process/Reflective Essay
Final Portfolio
Your journal will consist mostly of in-class exercises and other handwritten work. It will be turned in for review 2 times during the semester.
There will be 5 major assignments:
Descriptive Essay
Narrative Essay
Expository Essay
Persuasive Essay
Final Portfolio
Each of these assignments will be preceded by prompts, rough drafts and in-class workshopping, so don’t panic!
Evaluation Methods and Class Management
To complete this course successfully you must finish all work with a C or better, turn your work in on time and in the proper format, conform to class attendance policies, and participate regularly in class. Participation means coming to class with all written assignments completed and ready to turn in and all reading assignments completed and ready for discussion. I will give pop quizzes on a random basis which will count as part of your participation grade.
Late Work: Work that is one class period late will be docked 50% of possible points. Late work that is more than one class period late will not be accepted. If you are unable to attend class, you may turn in work to me by email no later than the end of your scheduled class time on the day it is due to receive full credit.
Absolutely no texting or cell phone use during class. I will ask you to leave. If you must take a call, inform me of this before class and exit quietly to take your call.
Attendance is crucial for your learning, since much of our work will be done in class. You will be allowed two absences that won’t affect your grade. However, I will deduct 10 points from your final grade starting with your third absence. This means that you can do everything else in class but still fail the class if you do not show up. I repeat: You can turn in all assignments and still fail the class if you have too many absences. So make sure to show up.
Students will be held responsible for any and all information missed due to absence, including assignments. I suggest that you exchange contact information with one or two other students in the class in case you miss a class and need to know what you have missed. Also please consult the Class Blog, as I will post changes to the syllabus and writing prompts there. I reserve the right to change the assignment dates and/or descriptions at any time during the semester. I will always announce any changes in class and on the Class Blog, so it is the student’s responsibility to keep informed of any changes. Since I have several classes using the Class Blog, please be sure to look for the “Saturday” posts for this class.
In keeping with CCD’s Attendance Policy: “Faculty may give a failing grade to any student who has a 15% or greater absence from a course, starting from the first class meeting.”
Tardy Policy: While sometimes being late is unavoidable, tardiness is disruptive to the class and should be avoided. Three tardies (more than 10 minutes) will equal one absence.
Leaving Class Early: Same as tardy policy above. Please don’t schedule work, appointments, etc. during class time, as leaving early is equally as disruptive and disrespectful of class time.
Final Portfolio 18 points
Journal 12 points
Assigned Exercises 8 points
Essays 40 points
Participation/Quizzes 10 points
Writing Center Hours 8 points
Blog Posting 4 points
Total Possible 100 points
(Instructor may award 5 bonus points to any student showing exceptional effort)
Instructor may offer bonus assignments at her discretion.
A: 90-100
B: 80-90
C: 70-80
D: 60-70
F: 59 or lower
Essay Formatting
Each time you submit a final essay, all previous brainstorming, outlining, and early drafts must also be submitted with the final draft. Drafts, final drafts, and essays must be turned in typed. THIS MEANS everything but your notebook needs to be turned in TYPED. No exceptions.
All work should be double-spaced, 1-inch margins, 12 point font Times New Roman. Please put page numbers if more than one page (either top or bottom). All work should be formatted as follows and given a title:
English 090-509, Sat 9:00-11:45
Nancy Stohlman
Assignment (i.e. Descriptive Paragraph First Draft, Narrative Essay Final Draft, etc.)
Class Blog
I will update the class blog with specifics of the day, daily prompts, any changes to syllabus or reminders, announcements, etc. The class blog is NOT a substitute for the syllabus, however, so you will need to consult your syllabus for your daily assignments. Please consult the blog (or another student) if you missed class and need to know what you missed. Please keep in mind that I have several classes using the blog, so when searching for your missed days, please look for the “Saturday” posts.
Everyone must post one piece of writing done in this class to the class blog. In order to post, please send your work to my email at and put in the subject line: Please Post to Blog. Make sure your name is on you paper, of course. Keep in mind that I will not edit your paper for you but will post it as is, so make sure it’s ready before you post. You may post multiple times, but only once is required. Email your post to me no later than December 4.
Final Portfolio
Your final portfolio will be an 8-10 page polished compilation of the work you’ve been doing this semester plus a Process/Reflective Essay. You’ll have a chance to workshop it with a colleague, but this portfolio should be error-free. I’ll expect you to use all formatting guidelines. Also, I’ll expect that each piece will have been revised again since I saw it last—I will be able to tell! Think of this as a final art exhibit of your work. Details when we get closer.
Plagiarism is literary theft of another author’s ideas and/or exact words, without giving proper credit to the source in both the text of your essay and on the Works Cited sheet. This rule is true of direct quotes, paraphrases, and summaries. Plagiarism is a serious ethical offense and may be grounds for the student’s failure in this class. Cheating of any kind will get you kicked out of my class and possibly expelled.
Writing Center
All ENG 090 students must attend Writing Center sessions based on the requirements for AAA 090. AAA 099 requirements: 25 hours in the Academic Support Center Labs
Please take advantage of the FREE tutors in the Writing Lab—students who take that kind of initiative always turn in stronger work and get higher grades. If you cannot attend the Writing Center to have a tutor advise you, you may use the OWL to submit papers on line. This requires planning ahead since the return time is 48 hours.
Tentative Course Schedule and Weekly Assignments:
(subject to change)
**Every day we will do in-class exercises—you will need a spiral-bound notebook for just this class. Please bring your readings for the day and spiral notebooks to every class.
Week One: Introductions. Descriptive Writing
Saturday, 8/28: Introductions, Syllabus, Course Objectives
In-class writing: Creative Monsters
In-class writing: Journal #1
Ten Things to Stop Misspelling (in-class handout)
“Death of The Moth” Virginia Wolfe (handout)
“Death of A Moth” by Annie Dillard (handout)
Discussion: Sensory Description
Take Home Descriptive Exercise: Sit in a public place for 5-10 minutes with your journal, just watching. Then write for 10 minutes describing in great detail what you saw, witnessed, etc. Think about using strong nouns and sensory description.
Week Two: Descriptive Writing
Saturday, 9/4: DUE: Descriptive Exercise in proper format
Syllabus Review
Discussion: “The Things They Carried” by Tim O’Brien (handout)
“Homeless” by Anna Quindlen from Reader for Writers
Chapter 1 “Nouns” from Sin and Syntax
Journal #2 and #3: Descriptive (please have your spiral notebooks)
Discussion: Nouns/Editing
Week Three: Descriptive Writing
Saturday, 9/11: DUE: Descriptive Rough Draft with three copies
“Coming into Language” by Jimmy Santiago Baca (handout)
“Adjectives” from Sin and Syntax
“Shitty First Drafts” by Anne Lamott (handout)
Discussion of workshopping
In-class workshopping
All class workshopping
Metaphoric Language
Journal #4 and #5: Descriptive
Week Four: Narrative Writing
Saturday, 9/18: DUE: Descriptive Essay with all rough drafts
Discussion of Narrative Writing
“Only Daughter” by Sandra Ciscneros in Reader for Writers
Discussion: “Rawlings” by William Haywood Henderson (in-class handout)
“Salvation” by Langston Hughes (in-class handout)
Journal # 6 and #7: Narrative
Discussion: Story Arc, Beginnings, Middles Endings
Discussion: Dialogue formatting
Take Home Narrative Exercise: Eavesdrop for at least 5 minutes on someone else’s conversation, either in public or not. Then attempt to write the entire conversation verbatim, but making sure to use the “voice” of the people speaking. OR ask someone to tell you their story and write it down in their voice.
Week Five: Narrative Writing
Saturday, 9/25: DUE: Narrative Exercise
“Verbs” from Sin and Syntax
“Am I Blue” by Alice Walker from Reader for Writers
“Returning to Southie” by Michael Patrick McDonald in Reader
Discussion: Verbs/Verb Tenses
Journal #8 and #9: Narrative
“Put Your Shirt On, Fabio” by Shane Jimenez (in-class handout)
Discussion: Voice
Week Six: Narrative Writing
Saturday, 10/2: DUE: Rough Draft Narrative Essay with three copies
Due: Journals
All class workshop
Discussion: Radical Revision
“Someone to Read Your Drafts” by Anne Lamott (handout)
“Pronouns” in Sin and Syntax
Discussion: POV
Journal # 10 and #11
Week Seven: Expository Writing
Saturday, 10/9: Due: Narrative Essay with all attachments
Discussion of Expository Writing
Journal #12 and # 13: Expository
In class: “Morning Pages” by Julia Cameron
“37 Who Saw Murder Didn’t Call Police” from Readers for Writers
“On Dumpster Diving” by Lars Eighner in Reader for Writers
“Adverbs” in Sin and Syntax
Take Home Expository Exercise: Take Home Expository Exercise: Read at least one newspaper article, paying attention to the style of journalistic writing: straight expository information answering the questions who, what, when, where, and how. Note the "lead" sentence format: who, what, when, where, and how all answered in the first sentence. Write a newspaper article about some event in your life this week or something you witness (I prefer something that just happened rather than something from the past). Give it a headline, lead sentence, etc. One page.
Week Eight: Expository Writing
Saturday, 10/16: Due: Expository Exercise
“Politics and the English Language” by George Orwell in Reader for Writers
Discussion: Cliches and handout “How to slay a cliché”
“Serving in Florida” by Barbara Ehrenreich in Reader for Writers
Journal #14 and # 15: Expository
Week Nine: Expository Writing
Saturday, 10/23: Due: Rough Draft Expository with three copies
In-class Workshop
All class workshop
“Hearing Voices” by Linda Hogan in Reader for Writers
“I Have a Dream” by Martin Luther King, Jr. (handout)
“Just Walk on By” (handout)
Discussion: Rhythm
Journal #16 and #17: Expository
Week Ten: Persuasive
Saturday, 10/30: Final Expository Essay Due with all attachments
Discussion of Persuasive Writing
Discussion: Five Paragraph Essays
“What We Eat” by Eric Schlosser in Reader for Writers
“Repping Islam” by Isra Javed Bhatty in Reader for Writers
Journal #18 and # 19: Persuasive
Take Home Persuasive Exercise: Either listen in on or begin a controversial discussion. Then write a Point/Counterpoint. OR write a review of anything: a meal you ate, a movie you rented, a date you went on, an event you attended. The purpose here is to have a strong opinion and let that come through.
Week Eleven: Persuasive
Saturday, 11/6: DUE: Persuasive Exercise in proper formatting
“What is Poverty?” by Jo Goodwin Parker in Reader for Writers
“Serve or Fail” by Dave Eggers in Reader for Writers
“The Subject and the Predicate” in Sin and Syntax
Discussion: Sentence Fragments
Journal # 20 and #21: Persuasive
Week Twelve: Persuasive
Saturday, 11/13: Due: Persuasive Rough Draft with three copies
“A Modest Proposal” by Jonathan Swift (handout)
All-class workshop
In class workshop
Journal #22 and #23: Persuasive/Satire
Week Thirteen: Portfolio
Saturday, 11/20: DUE: Final Draft Persuasive Essay with all attachments
Discussion of Final Portfolio
Journal #24 and # 25: Process
Reading: “On Writing” by Stephen King (handout)
Other readings TBA
Week of November 22-26 off Happy Thanksgiving! Work on Portfolios!
Week Fourteen: Portfolio workshop
Saturday, 12/4 : DUE: Rough Draft Portfolio with 1 copy (partners will be assigned)
DUE: Journals
In-class Portfolio workshopping
Due: All blog posts and extra credit
Week Fifteen: Wrap up
Final Portfolios due 12/11 by 12:00 pm (noon) MST
Extra Credit:
(All extra credit must be received by instructor no later than December 4, 2010)
• Create Your Own Blog—2 points
Two points extra credit will be given to anyone who starts their own blog as a result of this class and makes at least three posts of their own writing throughout the semester. In order to receive credit, please email me with the link to your blog by December 4.
• Attend a Literary Event and Write a Response—2 points
Two points extra credit will be given to anyone attending a literary event around town and then writing a one-page response to the event. The response should be written in the same format and with the same attention to detail as you would any other homework assignment. Below is a list of possible ongoing literary events, but if you find others not listed here, or one-time-events, please check with me first to make sure it will count. Papers must be received no later than December 4.
Here is an event that I will be part of:
Release Party for Fast Forward: The Mix Tape
Friday, September 24th, 7 pm
The Mercury Café
2199 California St, Denver
And here are some ongoing events:
1st & LAST Mondays
SlamNuba – open mic & slam feat. members of the Cafe Nuba Slam Team + DJ CaveM
doors 7:30pm – $5 – All-Ages
@Crossroads Theatre, 26th & Welton in Denver’s Five Points
2nd & 4th Tuesdays
Minor Disturbance Youth Series & Slam – feat. writing wksps & performances
7:30pm – Free (donations welcome) – Youth (ages 12-19) Community Space, 27th & Larimer, Denver
1st & 3rd Tuesdays
Justiz Speech Open Mic
7:00pm – 11:00pm | Free | All-Ages
@Gypsy House Cafe, 13th & Marion St. Denver
Last Wednesday of the Month
“Poet As Muse” – feat. spoken-word, live visual art, hookah & good vibes
7:30pm – Free – All-Ages
@Gypsy House Cafe, 13th & Marion St. Denver
DejaVu – spoken word mic feat. local & national poets for the “grown & sexy”
Every Wednesday | 9:00pm – 21+
@Twisted Olive at Northfield Stapleton, 8270 Northfields Blvd, Unit 1480 Denver
Every Wednesday
“She Said” Interactive Mic
9:00pm – 12:30am | 21+ | LGBTQ-Powered
@ Her Bar, E. Colfax & Pearl, Denver
2nd Fridays
Cafe Cultura – Latino & Indigenous inspired spoken-word, music & live art
7:30pm – Free – All-Ages/Youth-Powered
@LaAcademia, 9th & Galapego
1st & 3rd Saturdays
The SpeakOut Poetry Getaway – urban word, community issues & poetry
doors: 8:00pm/show 9:00pm – $5 – All-Ages
@Sam’s BBQ, 435 So. Cherry, Glendale, CO
Mercury Slam – spoken-word and slam w/ feat. local & national poets
Every Sunday | 7:30pm – $5 suggested donation – All-Ages/Youth-Powered
@Mercury Cafe, 21st & California St. Denver
Important dates:
Last day to drop and receive a refund for 15-week classes is
Last day to drop the class with a W is
Grades available to students:
Student Code of Conduct and Academic Integrity Admission to the Community College of Denver implies that you agree to respect the rights of others and observe moral and civil laws. Interference with the normal processes of education in the classroom or elsewhere on the campus will be regarded as unacceptable conduct, warranting suspension or dismissal. Complete Student Code of Conduct is at this web site:
Americans with Disabilities Act Students with a documented disability who need reasonable accommodations to achieve course objectives should notify the instructor and apply for services at the Center for Persons with Disabilities within the first week of classes. NOTE: All students who identify themselves to faculty as having a disability or suspect that they have a disability should be encouraged to contact the Director of the Center for Persons with Disabilities (CPD), Room 134, South Classroom Building, 1st Floor. Faculty is not obligated to provide accommodations without proper notification from the Center for Persons with Disabilities Office. You may also contact CPD staff by telephone to make an appointment: (303) 556-3300.
More information is available at
Grade of Incomplete
Incomplete: An "I" indicates that the course objectives are not yet fulfilled. It is the responsibility of the student to request, if needed, the assignment of an incomplete grade. The instructor's decision to authorize or not authorize an incomplete grade is final. The student must have completed 75% of the class with a C or better, and must complete the rest of the work with the same instructor. Arrangement for the completion of the course must be made with the instructor prior to the assignment of the "I" grade. This agreement must be written on a Contract for Incomplete Grade Form. The instructor may allow up to one full semester for the student to complete missing requirements. "I" grades not changed by the end of the following semester will automatically become failing grades (F).
Grade of SP You can receive an SP grade only if you
• attended the full term (missing no more than 5 classes and completing all 15 hours of lab work)
• have shown satisfactory progress by completing all assigned course work
• but have not yet mastered the skills that will give you the opportunity to be successful in the next class in the sequence.
If the SP grade is received, you must complete the course within the next 15 week semester, or the grade will change to NC (no credit). If the SP grade is received, you may attend the same course the following semester (without registering or paying again for the course) with the same instructor or a different instructor (with her/his permission). You must show the instructor the proper paperwork (from the instructor who graded you SP) to be allowed into the class. If you earn a C or better at the completion of the course, the instructor will submit a grade change to change the SP to a C or better. Then you will be allowed to register for the next course in the sequence. A D, F, AW, I, or SP will not allow you to enter the next course in the sequence.
Educational Case Manager: Rosie Sanchez
Help with advising, financial aid, academic and related personal issues
Office: SO 312 E
Phone: (303) 556-2790
Email for appointment or stop by her office
Keep Track of Your Grade
Descriptive Exercise: _____________ (2)
Descriptive Essay _____________ (10)
Narrative Exercise: _____________ (2)
First Half Journal: _____________ (6)
Narrative Essay: _____________ (10)
Expository Exercise: ______________(2)
Expository Essay: ______________(10)
Persuasive Exercise:_____________ (2)
Persuasive Essay:_______________(10)
Second Half Journal ______________ (6)
Blog Posting _______________ (4)
25 Lab Hours: _______________(8)
Portfolio: ________________(18)
Participation (including pop quizzes): ________________ (10)
Total: _______________ (100)
Absences: ______________ (Subtract 10 points for every absence after first two)
Grand Total: _______________ (100)
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Thanks for a great discussion in class today. Guess what I found: a Youtube video based on Annie Dillard's "Death of A Moth." Crazy. Watch video here.
Electronic link to "The Things They Carried" by Tim O'Brian.
Journal #1: Character Sketch
(This is the first prompt that should be in your journal.)
In class we paired up. On your own, you should find a stranger, maybe a classmate, maybe a stranger on the bus, etc. The idea is to "sketch" the person with words. Basically you are going to describe them, but focus on the particulars, on the details, on what about them makes them stand out as an individual. Don't just say they are wearing shoes, but what KIND of shoes? What is unique about them? And then take your observations a step further: by just looking at the details, what kind of person might they be? What might they do in their spare time? What might they be thinking about right now...?
The idea is not to be "right," as you will probably in fact be wrong. The idea is to create a character out of them, invent them, make it all up and use your imagination.
Write for 10 minutes in your journal.
Electronic link to "The Things They Carried" by Tim O'Brian.
Journal #1: Character Sketch
(This is the first prompt that should be in your journal.)
In class we paired up. On your own, you should find a stranger, maybe a classmate, maybe a stranger on the bus, etc. The idea is to "sketch" the person with words. Basically you are going to describe them, but focus on the particulars, on the details, on what about them makes them stand out as an individual. Don't just say they are wearing shoes, but what KIND of shoes? What is unique about them? And then take your observations a step further: by just looking at the details, what kind of person might they be? What might they do in their spare time? What might they be thinking about right now...?
The idea is not to be "right," as you will probably in fact be wrong. The idea is to create a character out of them, invent them, make it all up and use your imagination.
Write for 10 minutes in your journal.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Monday, August 23, 2010
Welcome to Class!
I look forward to getting to know all of you and your writing better this semester. Let's start with your Creative Monster. For those of you who need a reminder of the in-class prompt, here it is below: These are due in proper formatting on Wednesday.
Writing Assignment: Creative Monsters
At some point in our writing we were given a potentially damaging message. For example, maybe in 2nd grade Mrs. Thompson said that you were a horrible speller, or Mr. Jones said your handwriting was atrocious or Ms. Dillon said you would never be able to write. It could have been a teacher, a parent, another adult or even a peer. Regardless, these messages stay with us. Your writing prompt: Write out the story of one of these “Creative Monsters.” Describe the person, the situation, the setting, what happened, how it made you feel, and how it ended. Try and arrange it like a story, with a beginning, middle, and end. Tell it with enthusiasm and color, as if you were telling a story to one of your friends over dinner. If you want an extra challenge (good for you!)trying beginning the story "Once upon a time" and see what happens. Try to fill one page.
And be sure to read the two "moth" essays for Wednesday. I couldn't find an electronic link to both, but here is a link to one of them:
"Death of The Moth" by Virginia Wolfe
I look forward to getting to know all of you and your writing better this semester. Let's start with your Creative Monster. For those of you who need a reminder of the in-class prompt, here it is below: These are due in proper formatting on Wednesday.
Writing Assignment: Creative Monsters
At some point in our writing we were given a potentially damaging message. For example, maybe in 2nd grade Mrs. Thompson said that you were a horrible speller, or Mr. Jones said your handwriting was atrocious or Ms. Dillon said you would never be able to write. It could have been a teacher, a parent, another adult or even a peer. Regardless, these messages stay with us. Your writing prompt: Write out the story of one of these “Creative Monsters.” Describe the person, the situation, the setting, what happened, how it made you feel, and how it ended. Try and arrange it like a story, with a beginning, middle, and end. Tell it with enthusiasm and color, as if you were telling a story to one of your friends over dinner. If you want an extra challenge (good for you!)trying beginning the story "Once upon a time" and see what happens. Try to fill one page.
And be sure to read the two "moth" essays for Wednesday. I couldn't find an electronic link to both, but here is a link to one of them:
"Death of The Moth" by Virginia Wolfe
Monday/Wednesday 090 Syllabus
ENG 090--015 (3 credits) Basic Composition
Fall, 2010
Instructor: Nancy Stohlman
Class Meets Monday/Wednesday 1:00-2:15 in South Building Room #114
Instructor’s Office: South Classroom Room 230
Office Hours: 2:15-2:45 Monday and Wednesday or by appointment
Instructor’s Mailbox: South Classroom Room 313
Instructor’s email:
Class blog:
Center for Educational Advancement
Prerequisites: “C” or better in ENG 060 or ACCUPLACER score of 70-94
or a C or better in ESL 053
Co-requisite: AAA 099: Enhanced Learning Support 1 credit
**If you have no experience typing, you may want to sign up for a 1-credit computer keyboarding class this semester, BTE 100
Required Course Materials:
Readings for Writers, CCD Developmental English Faculty
Sin and Syntax, Constance Hale
One 8.5x11 spiral-bound notebook that will be periodically turned in for review
Additional handouts provided
A paperback college-level dictionary
A paperback college-level thesaurus
Course Description
This course emphasizes both critical thinking and creative writing as students explore composition for diverse purposes and audiences. Students will develop skills required for college-level writing while reviewing paragraph structure and focusing on essay development, storytelling and an increased comfort and ease with language.
Course Objectives and Classroom Methods
To make you a better writer, of course! Specifically by the end of the semester I want you to have an increased knowledge in: grammar, descriptive and metaphoric language, clichés, story arcs, points of view, tenses, essay structure, intros and conclusions, vocabulary, topic sentences, dialogue, revision and workshopping, voice, sentence structure, rhythm, and most importantly—learning to trust yourself as a writer.
Kinds of Writing we’ll be doing:
Process/Self-Assessment Essay
Final Portfolio
Your journal will consist mostly of in-class exercises and other handwritten work. It will be turned in for review 2 times during the semester.
There will be 5 major assignments:
Descriptive Essay
Narrative Essay
Expository Essay
Persuasive Essay
Final Portfolio
Each of these assignments will be preceded by prompts, rough drafts and in-class workshopping, so don’t panic!
Evaluation Methods and Class Management
To complete this course successfully you must finish all work with a C or better, turn your work in on time and in the proper format, conform to class attendance policies, and participate regularly in class. Participation means coming to class with all written assignments completed and ready to turn in and all reading assignments completed and ready for discussion. I will give periodic pop quizzes that will count as part of your participation grade.
Late Work: Work that is one class period late will be docked 50% of possible points. Work that is more than one class period late will not be accepted. If you are unable to attend class, you may turn in work to me by email no later than the end of your scheduled class time on the day it is due to receive full credit.
Absolutely no texting or cell phone use during class. I will ask you to leave. If you must take a call, inform me of this before class and exit quietly to take your call.
Attendance is crucial for your learning, since much of our work will be done in class. You will be allowed three absences that won’t affect your grade. However, I will deduct 5 points from your final grade starting with your fourth absence. This means that you can fail the class if you do not show up. I repeat: You can turn in all assignments and still fail the class if you have too many absences. So make sure to show up.
Students will be held responsible for any and all information missed due to absence, including syllabus changes and assignments. I suggest that you exchange contact information with one or two other students in the class in case you miss a class and need to know what you have missed. Also please consult the Class Blog regularly, as I will post changes to the syllabus and in-class writing prompts there. I reserve the right to change the assignment dates and/or descriptions at any time during the semester. I will always announce any changes in class and on the Class Blog, so it is the student’s responsibility to keep informed of any changes.
CCD’s Attendance Policy: “Faculty may give a failing grade to any student who has a 15% or greater absence from a course, starting from the first class meeting.”
Tardy Policy: While sometimes being late is unavoidable, tardiness is disruptive to the class and should be avoided. Three tardies (more than 10 minutes) will equal one absence.
Leaving Class Early: Same as tardy policy above. Please don’t schedule work, appointments, etc. during class time, as leaving early is equally as disruptive.
Final Portfolio 18 points
Journal 12 points
Assignments 10 points
Essays 40 points
Participation/Quizzes 10 points
Lab Hours 8 points
Blog Posting 2 points
Total Possible 100 points
(Instructor may award 5 bonus points to any student showing exceptional effort)
A: 90-100
B: 80-90
C: 70-80
D: 60-70
F: 59 or lower
Essay Formatting
Each time you submit a final essay, all early drafts, workshopping and revisions must also be submitted with the final draft. Drafts, final drafts, and essays must be turned in typed. THIS MEANS everything but your notebook needs to be turned in TYPED. No exceptions.
All work should be double-spaced, 1-inch margins, 12 point font Times New Roman. Please put page numbers if more than one page (either top or bottom). All work should be formatted as follows and given a title:
English 090-015, M/W 1:00-2:15
Nancy Stohlman
Assignment Description (i.e. Descriptive First Draft, Narrative Essay Final Draft, etc.)
Title of Essay
Class Blog
I will update the Class Blog with specifics of the day, daily prompts, any changes to syllabus or reminders, announcements, etc. The class blog is NOT a substitute for the syllabus, however, so you will need to consult your syllabus for your daily assignments. Please consult the blog (or another student) if you missed class and need to know what you missed. Please keep in mind that I have several classes using the blog, so when searching for your missed days, please look for the “Monday” or “Wednesday” posts.
Everyone must post one piece of writing done in this class to the class blog by November 29. In order to post, please send your work to my email at and put in the subject line: Please Post to Blog. Make sure your name is on your paper, of course. Keep in mind that I will not edit your paper for you but will post it as is, so make sure it’s ready before you post. You may post multiple times, but only once is required. Email your post to me no later than November 29.
Final Portfolio
Your final portfolio will be an 8-10 page polished compilation of the work you’ve been doing this semester plus a Process/Reflective Essay. You’ll have a chance to workshop it with a colleague, but this portfolio should be error-free. I’ll expect you to use all formatting guidelines. Also, I’ll expect that each piece will have been revised again since I saw it last—I will be able to tell! Think of this as a final art exhibit of your work. Details when we get closer.
Plagiarism is literary theft of another author’s ideas and/or exact words, without giving proper credit to the source. This rule is true of direct quotes, paraphrases, and summaries. Plagiarism is a serious ethical offense and may be grounds for the student’s failure in this class. Cheating of any kind, including copying things from the internet, will get you kicked out of my class and possibly expelled.
Writing Center
All ENG 090 students must attend Writing Center sessions based on the requirements for AAA 090. AAA 099 requirements: 25 hours in the Academic Support Center Labs
Please take advantage of the FREE tutors in the Writing Lab—students who take that kind of initiative always turn in stronger work and get higher grades. If you cannot attend the Writing Center to have a tutor advise you, you may use the OWL to submit papers on line. This requires planning ahead since the return time is 48 hours.
Tentative Course Schedule and Weekly Assignments:
(subject to change)
**Every day we will do in-class exercises—you will need a spiral-bound notebook for just this class. Please bring your readings for the day and spiral notebooks to every class.
Week One: Introductions. Descriptive Writing
Monday, 8/23: Introductions, Syllabus, Course Objectives
In-class writing: Creative Monsters
Wednesday, 8/25: Turn in Creative Monster prompt in correct formatting
Syllabus Review
Discussion: “Death of A Moth” by Annie Dillard (handout)
“Death of The Moth” by Virginia Wolfe (handout)
Discussion: Sensory Details
Journal #1: Descriptive (please have your spiral notebooks)
Week Two: Descriptive Writing
Monday, 8/30: Discussion: “The Things They Carried” by Tim O’Brien (handout)
Discussion: Ten Things to Stop Misspelling (in-class handout)
Discussion: Nouns/Details
Journal #2: Descriptive
Wednesday, 9/1: Chapter 1 “Nouns” from Sin and Syntax
Discussion: “Homeless” by Anna Quindlen from Reader for Writers
Discussion: Nouns in Editing
Journal #3: Descriptive
Take Home Descriptive Exercise: Sit in a public place for 5-10 minutes with your journal, just watching. Then write for 10 minutes describing in great detail what you saw, witnessed, etc. Think about using strong nouns and sensory description. OR Focus on one sense.
Week Three: Descriptive Writing
Monday, 9/6: LABOR DAY: No class
Wednesday, 9/8 : DUE: Descriptive Exercise in Proper Format
“Coming into Language” by Jimmy Santiago Baca (handout)
Metaphoric Language
Journal #4: Descriptive
Week Four: Descriptive/Workshopping
Monday, 9/13: Discussion: “Adjectives” from Sin and Syntax
Journal #5: Descriptive
Wednesday, 9/15: DUE: Descriptive Rough Draft with three copies
Discussion “Shitty First Drafts” by Anne Lamott (handout)
Discussion of workshopping
In-class workshopping
All class workshopping
Journal #6
Week Five: Narrative Writing
Monday, 9/20: DUE: Descriptive Essay with all rough drafts
Discussion of Narrative Writing
Discussion: “Rawlings” by William Haywood Henderson (in-class handout)
“Salvation” by Langston Hughes (in-class handout)
Journal #7: Narrative
Discussion: Story Arc, Beginnings, Middles Endings
Wednesday, 9/22: Discussion: “Verbs” from Sin and Syntax
“Am I Blue” by Alice Walker from Reader for Writers
“Returning to Southie” by Michael Patrick McDonald in Reader
Journal #8: Narrative
Week Six: Narrative Writing
Monday, 9/27: Discussion: “The Toughest Indian in the World” by Sherman Alexie (handout)
Discussion: Dialogue/Voice
Discussion: Verb Tenses
Journal #9: Narrative
Take Home Narrative Exercise: Eavesdrop for at least 5 minutes on someone else’s conversation, either in public or not. Then attempt to write the entire conversation verbatim, but making sure to use the “voice” of the people speaking. OR ask someone to tell you their story and write it down in their voice.
Wednesday, 9/29: Due: Narrative Exercise in proper format
“Put Your Shirt On, Fabio” by Shane Jimenez and others (handout)
Discussion: Voice
Journal#10: Narrative
Week Seven: Narrative Writing
Monday, 10/4: “Only Daughter” by Sandra Ciscneros in Reader for Writers
“Pronouns” in Sin and Syntax
Discussion: POV
Journal #11
Wednesday, 10/6: DUE: Rough Draft Narrative Essay with three copies
Due: Journals
All class workshop
Discussion: Radical Revision
“Someone to Read Your Drafts” by Anne Lamott (handout)
Journal #12
Week Eight: Expository
Monday, 10/11: DUE: Narrative Essay Due with all attachments
Discussion of Expository Writing
Journal #13: Expository
In class: “Morning Pages” by Julia Cameron (handout)
Wednesday, 10/13: Discussion: “On Dumpster Diving” by Lars Eighner in Reader for Writers
Discussion: “Adverbs” in Sin and Syntax
Journal #14: Expository
Week Nine: Expository
Monday, 10/18: “37 Who Saw Murder Didn’t Call Police” from Readers for Writers
“Serving in Florida” by Barbara Ehrenreich in Reader for Writers
Discussion: Lead/Topic Sentences
Journal #15: Expository
Take Home Expository Exercise: Read at least one newspaper article, paying attention to the style of journalistic writing: straight expository information answering the questions who, what, when, where, and how. Note the "lead" sentence format: who, what, when, where, and how all answered in the first sentence. Write a newspaper article about some event in your life this week or something you witness (I prefer something that just happened rather than something from the past). Give it a headline, lead sentence, etc. One page.
Wednesday, 10/20: DUE: Expository Exercise in Proper Format
“Politics and the English Language” by George Orwell in Reader for Writers
Discussion: Cliches and handout “How to slay a cliché”
Journal #16: Expository
Week Ten: Expository
Monday, 10/25: Discussion: “Hearing Voices” by Linda Hogan in Reader for Writers
“I Have a Dream” by Martin Luther King, Jr. (handout)
Discussion: Rhythm
Journal #17: Expository
Wednesday, 10/27: Rough Draft Expository with three copies
“Just Walk On By” (handout)
In-class Workshop
All class workshop
Journal #18: Expository
Week Eleven: Persuasive
Monday, 11/1: Final Expository Essay Due with all attachments
Discussion of Persuasive Writing
“Serve or Fail” by Dave Eggers in Reader for Writers
Journal #19: Persuasive
Discussion: Five Paragraph Essays
Wednesday, 11/3: Discussion “What We Eat” by Eric Schlosser in Reader for Writers
“Repping Islam” by Isra Javed Bhatty in Reader for Writers
Journal #20: Persuasive
Discussion: Intro and Conclusions/semi-colons
Take Home Persuasive Exercise: Either listen in on or begin a controversial discussion. Then write a Point/Counterpoint. OR write a review of anything: a meal you ate, a movie you rented, a date you went on, an event you attended. The purpose here is to have a strong opinion and let that come through.
Week Twelve: Persuasive
Monday, 11/8: DUE: Persuasive Exercise in proper formatting
“What is Poverty?” by Jo Goodwin Parker in Reader for Writers
Journal # 21: Persuasive
Wednesday, 11/10: Discussion of “A Modest Proposal” by Jonathan Swift (handout)
Journal #22: Persuasive/Satire
Week Thirteen: Portfolio
Monday, 11/15: Due: Persuasive Rough Draft with three copies
All-class workshop
In class workshop
Journal #21: Persuasive
Wednesday, 11/17: DUE: Final Draft Persuasive Essay with all attachments
Discussion of Final Portfolio
Journal #22: Process
Reading: “On Writing” by Stephen King (handout)
Week of November 22-26 off Happy Thanksgiving! Work on Portfolios!
Week Fourteen: Portfolios
Monday, 11/29:Discussion of Final Porfolios
Due: All blog posts and extra credit
Journal #23: Process
Wednesday, 12/1: DUE: Rough Draft Portfolio with 1 copy (partners will be assigned)
DUE: Journals
In-class Portfolio workshopping
Journal #24: Process
Week Fifteen: Finals Week
Final Portfolios Due 12/8 by 3:00 pm MST
Extra Credit:
• Create Your Own Blog—2 points
Two points extra credit will be given to anyone who starts their own blog as a result of this class and makes at least three posts of their own writing throughout the semester. In order to receive credit, please email me with the link to your blog by November 29.
• Attend a Literary Event and Write a Response—2 points
Two points extra credit will be given to anyone attending a literary event around town and then writing a one-page response to the event. The response should be written in the same format and with the same attention to detail as you would any other homework assignment. Below is a list of possible ongoing literary events, but if you find others not listed here, or one-time-events, please check with me first to make sure it will count. Papers must be received no later than November 29.
Here is an event that I will be part of:
Release Party for Fast Forward: The Mix Tape
Friday, September 24th, 7 pm
The Mercury Café
2199 California St, Denver
And here are some ongoing events:
1st & LAST Mondays
SlamNuba – open mic & slam feat. members of the Cafe Nuba Slam Team + DJ CaveM
doors 7:30pm – $5 – All-Ages
@Crossroads Theatre, 26th & Welton in Denver’s Five Points
2nd & 4th Tuesdays
Minor Disturbance Youth Series & Slam – feat. writing wksps & performances
7:30pm – Free (donations welcome) – Youth (ages 12-19) Community Space, 27th & Larimer, Denver
1st & 3rd Tuesdays
Justiz Speech Open Mic
7:00pm – 11:00pm | Free | All-Ages
@Gypsy House Cafe, 13th & Marion St. Denver
Last Wednesday of the Month
“Poet As Muse” – feat. spoken-word, live visual art, hookah & good vibes
7:30pm – Free – All-Ages
@Gypsy House Cafe, 13th & Marion St. Denver
DejaVu – spoken word mic feat. local & national poets for the “grown & sexy”
Every Wednesday | 9:00pm – 21+
@Twisted Olive at Northfield Stapleton, 8270 Northfields Blvd, Unit 1480 Denver
Every Wednesday
“She Said” Interactive Mic
9:00pm – 12:30am | 21+ | LGBTQ-Powered
@ Her Bar, E. Colfax & Pearl, Denver
2nd Fridays
Cafe Cultura – Latino & Indigenous inspired spoken-word, music & live art
7:30pm – Free – All-Ages/Youth-Powered
@LaAcademia, 9th & Galapego
1st & 3rd Saturdays
The SpeakOut Poetry Getaway – urban word, community issues & poetry
doors: 8:00pm/show 9:00pm – $5 – All-Ages
@Sam’s BBQ, 435 So. Cherry, Glendale, CO
Mercury Slam – spoken-word and slam w/ feat. local & national poets
Every Sunday | 7:30pm – $5 suggested donation – All-Ages/Youth-Powered
@Mercury Cafe, 21st & California St. Denver
Important dates:
Last day to drop and receive a refund for 15-week classes is
Last day to drop the class with a W is
Grades available to students:
Student Code of Conduct and Academic Integrity Admission to the Community College of Denver implies that you agree to respect the rights of others and observe moral and civil laws. Interference with the normal processes of education in the classroom or elsewhere on the campus will be regarded as unacceptable conduct, warranting suspension or dismissal. Complete Student Code of Conduct is at this web site:
Americans with Disabilities Act Students with a documented disability who need reasonable accommodations to achieve course objectives should notify the instructor and apply for services at the Center for Persons with Disabilities within the first week of classes. NOTE: All students who identify themselves to faculty as having a disability or suspect that they have a disability should be encouraged to contact the Director of the Center for Persons with Disabilities (CPD), Room 134, South Classroom Building, 1st Floor. Faculty is not obligated to provide accommodations without proper notification from the Center for Persons with Disabilities Office. You may also contact CPD staff by telephone to make an appointment: (303) 556-3300.
More information is available at
Grade of Incomplete
Incomplete: An "I" indicates that the course objectives are not yet fulfilled. It is the responsibility of the student to request, if needed, the assignment of an incomplete grade. The instructor's decision to authorize or not authorize an incomplete grade is final. The student must have completed 75% of the class with a C or better, and must complete the rest of the work with the same instructor. Arrangement for the completion of the course must be made with the instructor prior to the assignment of the "I" grade. This agreement must be written on a Contract for Incomplete Grade Form. The instructor may allow up to one full semester for the student to complete missing requirements. "I" grades not changed by the end of the following semester will automatically become failing grades (F).
Grade of SP You can receive an SP grade only if you
• attended the full term (missing no more than 5 classes and completing all 15 hours of lab work)
• have shown satisfactory progress by completing all assigned course work
• but have not yet mastered the skills that will give you the opportunity to be successful in the next class in the sequence.
If the SP grade is received, you must complete the course within the next 15 week semester, or the grade will change to NC (no credit). If the SP grade is received, you may attend the same course the following semester (without registering or paying again for the course) with the same instructor or a different instructor (with her/his permission). You must show the instructor the proper paperwork (from the instructor who graded you SP) to be allowed into the class. If you earn a C or better at the completion of the course, the instructor will submit a grade change to change the SP to a C or better. Then you will be allowed to register for the next course in the sequence. A D, F, AW, I, or SP will not allow you to enter the next course in the sequence.
Educational Case Manager: Rosie Sanchez
Help with advising, financial aid, academic and related personal issues
Office: SO 312 E
Phone: (303) 556-2790
Email for appointment or stop by her office
Keep Track of Your Grade
Creative Monster:____________(2)
Descriptive Exercise: _____________ (2)
Descriptive Essay _____________ (10)
Narrative Exercise: _____________ (2)
First Half Journal: _____________ (6)
Narrative Essay: _____________ (10)
Expository Exercise: ______________(2)
Expository Essay: ______________(10)
Persuasive Exercise:_____________ (2)
Persuasive Essay:_______________(10)
Second Half Journal ______________ (6)
Blog Posting _______________ (2)
25 Lab Hours: _______________(8)
Portfolio: ________________(18)
Participation (including pop quizzes): ________________ (10)
Total: _______________ (100)
Absences: ______________ (Subtract 5 points for every absence after three)
Grand Total: _______________ (100)
Fall, 2010
Instructor: Nancy Stohlman
Class Meets Monday/Wednesday 1:00-2:15 in South Building Room #114
Instructor’s Office: South Classroom Room 230
Office Hours: 2:15-2:45 Monday and Wednesday or by appointment
Instructor’s Mailbox: South Classroom Room 313
Instructor’s email:
Class blog:
Center for Educational Advancement
Prerequisites: “C” or better in ENG 060 or ACCUPLACER score of 70-94
or a C or better in ESL 053
Co-requisite: AAA 099: Enhanced Learning Support 1 credit
**If you have no experience typing, you may want to sign up for a 1-credit computer keyboarding class this semester, BTE 100
Required Course Materials:
Readings for Writers, CCD Developmental English Faculty
Sin and Syntax, Constance Hale
One 8.5x11 spiral-bound notebook that will be periodically turned in for review
Additional handouts provided
A paperback college-level dictionary
A paperback college-level thesaurus
Course Description
This course emphasizes both critical thinking and creative writing as students explore composition for diverse purposes and audiences. Students will develop skills required for college-level writing while reviewing paragraph structure and focusing on essay development, storytelling and an increased comfort and ease with language.
Course Objectives and Classroom Methods
To make you a better writer, of course! Specifically by the end of the semester I want you to have an increased knowledge in: grammar, descriptive and metaphoric language, clichés, story arcs, points of view, tenses, essay structure, intros and conclusions, vocabulary, topic sentences, dialogue, revision and workshopping, voice, sentence structure, rhythm, and most importantly—learning to trust yourself as a writer.
Kinds of Writing we’ll be doing:
Process/Self-Assessment Essay
Final Portfolio
Your journal will consist mostly of in-class exercises and other handwritten work. It will be turned in for review 2 times during the semester.
There will be 5 major assignments:
Descriptive Essay
Narrative Essay
Expository Essay
Persuasive Essay
Final Portfolio
Each of these assignments will be preceded by prompts, rough drafts and in-class workshopping, so don’t panic!
Evaluation Methods and Class Management
To complete this course successfully you must finish all work with a C or better, turn your work in on time and in the proper format, conform to class attendance policies, and participate regularly in class. Participation means coming to class with all written assignments completed and ready to turn in and all reading assignments completed and ready for discussion. I will give periodic pop quizzes that will count as part of your participation grade.
Late Work: Work that is one class period late will be docked 50% of possible points. Work that is more than one class period late will not be accepted. If you are unable to attend class, you may turn in work to me by email no later than the end of your scheduled class time on the day it is due to receive full credit.
Absolutely no texting or cell phone use during class. I will ask you to leave. If you must take a call, inform me of this before class and exit quietly to take your call.
Attendance is crucial for your learning, since much of our work will be done in class. You will be allowed three absences that won’t affect your grade. However, I will deduct 5 points from your final grade starting with your fourth absence. This means that you can fail the class if you do not show up. I repeat: You can turn in all assignments and still fail the class if you have too many absences. So make sure to show up.
Students will be held responsible for any and all information missed due to absence, including syllabus changes and assignments. I suggest that you exchange contact information with one or two other students in the class in case you miss a class and need to know what you have missed. Also please consult the Class Blog regularly, as I will post changes to the syllabus and in-class writing prompts there. I reserve the right to change the assignment dates and/or descriptions at any time during the semester. I will always announce any changes in class and on the Class Blog, so it is the student’s responsibility to keep informed of any changes.
CCD’s Attendance Policy: “Faculty may give a failing grade to any student who has a 15% or greater absence from a course, starting from the first class meeting.”
Tardy Policy: While sometimes being late is unavoidable, tardiness is disruptive to the class and should be avoided. Three tardies (more than 10 minutes) will equal one absence.
Leaving Class Early: Same as tardy policy above. Please don’t schedule work, appointments, etc. during class time, as leaving early is equally as disruptive.
Final Portfolio 18 points
Journal 12 points
Assignments 10 points
Essays 40 points
Participation/Quizzes 10 points
Lab Hours 8 points
Blog Posting 2 points
Total Possible 100 points
(Instructor may award 5 bonus points to any student showing exceptional effort)
A: 90-100
B: 80-90
C: 70-80
D: 60-70
F: 59 or lower
Essay Formatting
Each time you submit a final essay, all early drafts, workshopping and revisions must also be submitted with the final draft. Drafts, final drafts, and essays must be turned in typed. THIS MEANS everything but your notebook needs to be turned in TYPED. No exceptions.
All work should be double-spaced, 1-inch margins, 12 point font Times New Roman. Please put page numbers if more than one page (either top or bottom). All work should be formatted as follows and given a title:
English 090-015, M/W 1:00-2:15
Nancy Stohlman
Assignment Description (i.e. Descriptive First Draft, Narrative Essay Final Draft, etc.)
Title of Essay
Class Blog
I will update the Class Blog with specifics of the day, daily prompts, any changes to syllabus or reminders, announcements, etc. The class blog is NOT a substitute for the syllabus, however, so you will need to consult your syllabus for your daily assignments. Please consult the blog (or another student) if you missed class and need to know what you missed. Please keep in mind that I have several classes using the blog, so when searching for your missed days, please look for the “Monday” or “Wednesday” posts.
Everyone must post one piece of writing done in this class to the class blog by November 29. In order to post, please send your work to my email at and put in the subject line: Please Post to Blog. Make sure your name is on your paper, of course. Keep in mind that I will not edit your paper for you but will post it as is, so make sure it’s ready before you post. You may post multiple times, but only once is required. Email your post to me no later than November 29.
Final Portfolio
Your final portfolio will be an 8-10 page polished compilation of the work you’ve been doing this semester plus a Process/Reflective Essay. You’ll have a chance to workshop it with a colleague, but this portfolio should be error-free. I’ll expect you to use all formatting guidelines. Also, I’ll expect that each piece will have been revised again since I saw it last—I will be able to tell! Think of this as a final art exhibit of your work. Details when we get closer.
Plagiarism is literary theft of another author’s ideas and/or exact words, without giving proper credit to the source. This rule is true of direct quotes, paraphrases, and summaries. Plagiarism is a serious ethical offense and may be grounds for the student’s failure in this class. Cheating of any kind, including copying things from the internet, will get you kicked out of my class and possibly expelled.
Writing Center
All ENG 090 students must attend Writing Center sessions based on the requirements for AAA 090. AAA 099 requirements: 25 hours in the Academic Support Center Labs
Please take advantage of the FREE tutors in the Writing Lab—students who take that kind of initiative always turn in stronger work and get higher grades. If you cannot attend the Writing Center to have a tutor advise you, you may use the OWL to submit papers on line. This requires planning ahead since the return time is 48 hours.
Tentative Course Schedule and Weekly Assignments:
(subject to change)
**Every day we will do in-class exercises—you will need a spiral-bound notebook for just this class. Please bring your readings for the day and spiral notebooks to every class.
Week One: Introductions. Descriptive Writing
Monday, 8/23: Introductions, Syllabus, Course Objectives
In-class writing: Creative Monsters
Wednesday, 8/25: Turn in Creative Monster prompt in correct formatting
Syllabus Review
Discussion: “Death of A Moth” by Annie Dillard (handout)
“Death of The Moth” by Virginia Wolfe (handout)
Discussion: Sensory Details
Journal #1: Descriptive (please have your spiral notebooks)
Week Two: Descriptive Writing
Monday, 8/30: Discussion: “The Things They Carried” by Tim O’Brien (handout)
Discussion: Ten Things to Stop Misspelling (in-class handout)
Discussion: Nouns/Details
Journal #2: Descriptive
Wednesday, 9/1: Chapter 1 “Nouns” from Sin and Syntax
Discussion: “Homeless” by Anna Quindlen from Reader for Writers
Discussion: Nouns in Editing
Journal #3: Descriptive
Take Home Descriptive Exercise: Sit in a public place for 5-10 minutes with your journal, just watching. Then write for 10 minutes describing in great detail what you saw, witnessed, etc. Think about using strong nouns and sensory description. OR Focus on one sense.
Week Three: Descriptive Writing
Monday, 9/6: LABOR DAY: No class
Wednesday, 9/8 : DUE: Descriptive Exercise in Proper Format
“Coming into Language” by Jimmy Santiago Baca (handout)
Metaphoric Language
Journal #4: Descriptive
Week Four: Descriptive/Workshopping
Monday, 9/13: Discussion: “Adjectives” from Sin and Syntax
Journal #5: Descriptive
Wednesday, 9/15: DUE: Descriptive Rough Draft with three copies
Discussion “Shitty First Drafts” by Anne Lamott (handout)
Discussion of workshopping
In-class workshopping
All class workshopping
Journal #6
Week Five: Narrative Writing
Monday, 9/20: DUE: Descriptive Essay with all rough drafts
Discussion of Narrative Writing
Discussion: “Rawlings” by William Haywood Henderson (in-class handout)
“Salvation” by Langston Hughes (in-class handout)
Journal #7: Narrative
Discussion: Story Arc, Beginnings, Middles Endings
Wednesday, 9/22: Discussion: “Verbs” from Sin and Syntax
“Am I Blue” by Alice Walker from Reader for Writers
“Returning to Southie” by Michael Patrick McDonald in Reader
Journal #8: Narrative
Week Six: Narrative Writing
Monday, 9/27: Discussion: “The Toughest Indian in the World” by Sherman Alexie (handout)
Discussion: Dialogue/Voice
Discussion: Verb Tenses
Journal #9: Narrative
Take Home Narrative Exercise: Eavesdrop for at least 5 minutes on someone else’s conversation, either in public or not. Then attempt to write the entire conversation verbatim, but making sure to use the “voice” of the people speaking. OR ask someone to tell you their story and write it down in their voice.
Wednesday, 9/29: Due: Narrative Exercise in proper format
“Put Your Shirt On, Fabio” by Shane Jimenez and others (handout)
Discussion: Voice
Journal#10: Narrative
Week Seven: Narrative Writing
Monday, 10/4: “Only Daughter” by Sandra Ciscneros in Reader for Writers
“Pronouns” in Sin and Syntax
Discussion: POV
Journal #11
Wednesday, 10/6: DUE: Rough Draft Narrative Essay with three copies
Due: Journals
All class workshop
Discussion: Radical Revision
“Someone to Read Your Drafts” by Anne Lamott (handout)
Journal #12
Week Eight: Expository
Monday, 10/11: DUE: Narrative Essay Due with all attachments
Discussion of Expository Writing
Journal #13: Expository
In class: “Morning Pages” by Julia Cameron (handout)
Wednesday, 10/13: Discussion: “On Dumpster Diving” by Lars Eighner in Reader for Writers
Discussion: “Adverbs” in Sin and Syntax
Journal #14: Expository
Week Nine: Expository
Monday, 10/18: “37 Who Saw Murder Didn’t Call Police” from Readers for Writers
“Serving in Florida” by Barbara Ehrenreich in Reader for Writers
Discussion: Lead/Topic Sentences
Journal #15: Expository
Take Home Expository Exercise: Read at least one newspaper article, paying attention to the style of journalistic writing: straight expository information answering the questions who, what, when, where, and how. Note the "lead" sentence format: who, what, when, where, and how all answered in the first sentence. Write a newspaper article about some event in your life this week or something you witness (I prefer something that just happened rather than something from the past). Give it a headline, lead sentence, etc. One page.
Wednesday, 10/20: DUE: Expository Exercise in Proper Format
“Politics and the English Language” by George Orwell in Reader for Writers
Discussion: Cliches and handout “How to slay a cliché”
Journal #16: Expository
Week Ten: Expository
Monday, 10/25: Discussion: “Hearing Voices” by Linda Hogan in Reader for Writers
“I Have a Dream” by Martin Luther King, Jr. (handout)
Discussion: Rhythm
Journal #17: Expository
Wednesday, 10/27: Rough Draft Expository with three copies
“Just Walk On By” (handout)
In-class Workshop
All class workshop
Journal #18: Expository
Week Eleven: Persuasive
Monday, 11/1: Final Expository Essay Due with all attachments
Discussion of Persuasive Writing
“Serve or Fail” by Dave Eggers in Reader for Writers
Journal #19: Persuasive
Discussion: Five Paragraph Essays
Wednesday, 11/3: Discussion “What We Eat” by Eric Schlosser in Reader for Writers
“Repping Islam” by Isra Javed Bhatty in Reader for Writers
Journal #20: Persuasive
Discussion: Intro and Conclusions/semi-colons
Take Home Persuasive Exercise: Either listen in on or begin a controversial discussion. Then write a Point/Counterpoint. OR write a review of anything: a meal you ate, a movie you rented, a date you went on, an event you attended. The purpose here is to have a strong opinion and let that come through.
Week Twelve: Persuasive
Monday, 11/8: DUE: Persuasive Exercise in proper formatting
“What is Poverty?” by Jo Goodwin Parker in Reader for Writers
Journal # 21: Persuasive
Wednesday, 11/10: Discussion of “A Modest Proposal” by Jonathan Swift (handout)
Journal #22: Persuasive/Satire
Week Thirteen: Portfolio
Monday, 11/15: Due: Persuasive Rough Draft with three copies
All-class workshop
In class workshop
Journal #21: Persuasive
Wednesday, 11/17: DUE: Final Draft Persuasive Essay with all attachments
Discussion of Final Portfolio
Journal #22: Process
Reading: “On Writing” by Stephen King (handout)
Week of November 22-26 off Happy Thanksgiving! Work on Portfolios!
Week Fourteen: Portfolios
Monday, 11/29:Discussion of Final Porfolios
Due: All blog posts and extra credit
Journal #23: Process
Wednesday, 12/1: DUE: Rough Draft Portfolio with 1 copy (partners will be assigned)
DUE: Journals
In-class Portfolio workshopping
Journal #24: Process
Week Fifteen: Finals Week
Final Portfolios Due 12/8 by 3:00 pm MST
Extra Credit:
• Create Your Own Blog—2 points
Two points extra credit will be given to anyone who starts their own blog as a result of this class and makes at least three posts of their own writing throughout the semester. In order to receive credit, please email me with the link to your blog by November 29.
• Attend a Literary Event and Write a Response—2 points
Two points extra credit will be given to anyone attending a literary event around town and then writing a one-page response to the event. The response should be written in the same format and with the same attention to detail as you would any other homework assignment. Below is a list of possible ongoing literary events, but if you find others not listed here, or one-time-events, please check with me first to make sure it will count. Papers must be received no later than November 29.
Here is an event that I will be part of:
Release Party for Fast Forward: The Mix Tape
Friday, September 24th, 7 pm
The Mercury Café
2199 California St, Denver
And here are some ongoing events:
1st & LAST Mondays
SlamNuba – open mic & slam feat. members of the Cafe Nuba Slam Team + DJ CaveM
doors 7:30pm – $5 – All-Ages
@Crossroads Theatre, 26th & Welton in Denver’s Five Points
2nd & 4th Tuesdays
Minor Disturbance Youth Series & Slam – feat. writing wksps & performances
7:30pm – Free (donations welcome) – Youth (ages 12-19) Community Space, 27th & Larimer, Denver
1st & 3rd Tuesdays
Justiz Speech Open Mic
7:00pm – 11:00pm | Free | All-Ages
@Gypsy House Cafe, 13th & Marion St. Denver
Last Wednesday of the Month
“Poet As Muse” – feat. spoken-word, live visual art, hookah & good vibes
7:30pm – Free – All-Ages
@Gypsy House Cafe, 13th & Marion St. Denver
DejaVu – spoken word mic feat. local & national poets for the “grown & sexy”
Every Wednesday | 9:00pm – 21+
@Twisted Olive at Northfield Stapleton, 8270 Northfields Blvd, Unit 1480 Denver
Every Wednesday
“She Said” Interactive Mic
9:00pm – 12:30am | 21+ | LGBTQ-Powered
@ Her Bar, E. Colfax & Pearl, Denver
2nd Fridays
Cafe Cultura – Latino & Indigenous inspired spoken-word, music & live art
7:30pm – Free – All-Ages/Youth-Powered
@LaAcademia, 9th & Galapego
1st & 3rd Saturdays
The SpeakOut Poetry Getaway – urban word, community issues & poetry
doors: 8:00pm/show 9:00pm – $5 – All-Ages
@Sam’s BBQ, 435 So. Cherry, Glendale, CO
Mercury Slam – spoken-word and slam w/ feat. local & national poets
Every Sunday | 7:30pm – $5 suggested donation – All-Ages/Youth-Powered
@Mercury Cafe, 21st & California St. Denver
Important dates:
Last day to drop and receive a refund for 15-week classes is
Last day to drop the class with a W is
Grades available to students:
Student Code of Conduct and Academic Integrity Admission to the Community College of Denver implies that you agree to respect the rights of others and observe moral and civil laws. Interference with the normal processes of education in the classroom or elsewhere on the campus will be regarded as unacceptable conduct, warranting suspension or dismissal. Complete Student Code of Conduct is at this web site:
Americans with Disabilities Act Students with a documented disability who need reasonable accommodations to achieve course objectives should notify the instructor and apply for services at the Center for Persons with Disabilities within the first week of classes. NOTE: All students who identify themselves to faculty as having a disability or suspect that they have a disability should be encouraged to contact the Director of the Center for Persons with Disabilities (CPD), Room 134, South Classroom Building, 1st Floor. Faculty is not obligated to provide accommodations without proper notification from the Center for Persons with Disabilities Office. You may also contact CPD staff by telephone to make an appointment: (303) 556-3300.
More information is available at
Grade of Incomplete
Incomplete: An "I" indicates that the course objectives are not yet fulfilled. It is the responsibility of the student to request, if needed, the assignment of an incomplete grade. The instructor's decision to authorize or not authorize an incomplete grade is final. The student must have completed 75% of the class with a C or better, and must complete the rest of the work with the same instructor. Arrangement for the completion of the course must be made with the instructor prior to the assignment of the "I" grade. This agreement must be written on a Contract for Incomplete Grade Form. The instructor may allow up to one full semester for the student to complete missing requirements. "I" grades not changed by the end of the following semester will automatically become failing grades (F).
Grade of SP You can receive an SP grade only if you
• attended the full term (missing no more than 5 classes and completing all 15 hours of lab work)
• have shown satisfactory progress by completing all assigned course work
• but have not yet mastered the skills that will give you the opportunity to be successful in the next class in the sequence.
If the SP grade is received, you must complete the course within the next 15 week semester, or the grade will change to NC (no credit). If the SP grade is received, you may attend the same course the following semester (without registering or paying again for the course) with the same instructor or a different instructor (with her/his permission). You must show the instructor the proper paperwork (from the instructor who graded you SP) to be allowed into the class. If you earn a C or better at the completion of the course, the instructor will submit a grade change to change the SP to a C or better. Then you will be allowed to register for the next course in the sequence. A D, F, AW, I, or SP will not allow you to enter the next course in the sequence.
Educational Case Manager: Rosie Sanchez
Help with advising, financial aid, academic and related personal issues
Office: SO 312 E
Phone: (303) 556-2790
Email for appointment or stop by her office
Keep Track of Your Grade
Creative Monster:____________(2)
Descriptive Exercise: _____________ (2)
Descriptive Essay _____________ (10)
Narrative Exercise: _____________ (2)
First Half Journal: _____________ (6)
Narrative Essay: _____________ (10)
Expository Exercise: ______________(2)
Expository Essay: ______________(10)
Persuasive Exercise:_____________ (2)
Persuasive Essay:_______________(10)
Second Half Journal ______________ (6)
Blog Posting _______________ (2)
25 Lab Hours: _______________(8)
Portfolio: ________________(18)
Participation (including pop quizzes): ________________ (10)
Total: _______________ (100)
Absences: ______________ (Subtract 5 points for every absence after three)
Grand Total: _______________ (100)
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Last Day--Good Luck to You All!
Hello everyone,
I just wanted to say that I really enjoyed having all of you in class this semester. I felt that your work, effort, and creativity were stellar, and it was a pleasure for me to come to classes each day.
It looks as if I will not be teaching the next level of comp, at least in the Fall semester, but please check back with me for Spring.
And stay in touch! I'll be organizing more readings and events outside of campus, and I'll be teaching two creative writing classes at Colorado Free University this fall, so keep writing...and reading...and writing.
My best wishes to you all,
I just wanted to say that I really enjoyed having all of you in class this semester. I felt that your work, effort, and creativity were stellar, and it was a pleasure for me to come to classes each day.
It looks as if I will not be teaching the next level of comp, at least in the Fall semester, but please check back with me for Spring.
And stay in touch! I'll be organizing more readings and events outside of campus, and I'll be teaching two creative writing classes at Colorado Free University this fall, so keep writing...and reading...and writing.
My best wishes to you all,
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
"Them Damn Beaners" by Robert Deherrera (Satire!)
Them damn beaners that come from Mexico! Who ever in there right mind thought they deserved to learn English or be allowed to live in America with any type of rights. I remember in the old days them dam beaners would have been shot trying to cross the border.
Them beaners are only good at mowing lawns or doing landscaping. The women should be allowed only to breed and cook, just think that would be the perfect wife she doesn’t know English to talk back. The beaner women are really only good for cooking and cleaning.
When they’re kids are born they should all be born with a rake or a dam lawn mower. Look at how they live twenty of them in a two bedroom apartment they don’t even deserve that! Its funny how there allowed to come and take real Americans jobs ! Shit I’d love to be able to mow lawns and bust my ass all day especially with my college degree. Its messed up how they take all the good jobs. They are like cockroaches they just keep breeding and breeding whats next a Mexican president in America.
Don’t get me started on all the woman who look like the emblem on the Rosaria beans. They act like the Virgin Marry is there savior! Its even funnier how they,dress tight ass jeans and some colored snake skin boots that look fake as hell. You know they probably bring all kinds of dope in there asses when they cross the border.
America, America what is wrong with you first we let the Jews the blacks and now the beaners. It’s a sad day to live when you see all kinds of little cockroaches running around let’s just get the bug spray and exterminate them. It’s funny how they all get in one little ass car and act like they’re car pooling shit there polluting the air just by living.
There are a waste of air they should just die and give the air to someone who deserves it!!!! To me there kind of like the Chihuahua dog always trying to bite your ankle. They won’t ever go away we all know it.
Today in America we all deserve a real chance in life.. We all have feelings and deserve to raise our families. Yea us Mexicans may mow lawns or do construction but one thing is for sure we all bleed the same. It’s a land of the free, freedom lets all remember that no matter your color or religion we are all human beings!!
Them beaners are only good at mowing lawns or doing landscaping. The women should be allowed only to breed and cook, just think that would be the perfect wife she doesn’t know English to talk back. The beaner women are really only good for cooking and cleaning.
When they’re kids are born they should all be born with a rake or a dam lawn mower. Look at how they live twenty of them in a two bedroom apartment they don’t even deserve that! Its funny how there allowed to come and take real Americans jobs ! Shit I’d love to be able to mow lawns and bust my ass all day especially with my college degree. Its messed up how they take all the good jobs. They are like cockroaches they just keep breeding and breeding whats next a Mexican president in America.
Don’t get me started on all the woman who look like the emblem on the Rosaria beans. They act like the Virgin Marry is there savior! Its even funnier how they,dress tight ass jeans and some colored snake skin boots that look fake as hell. You know they probably bring all kinds of dope in there asses when they cross the border.
America, America what is wrong with you first we let the Jews the blacks and now the beaners. It’s a sad day to live when you see all kinds of little cockroaches running around let’s just get the bug spray and exterminate them. It’s funny how they all get in one little ass car and act like they’re car pooling shit there polluting the air just by living.
There are a waste of air they should just die and give the air to someone who deserves it!!!! To me there kind of like the Chihuahua dog always trying to bite your ankle. They won’t ever go away we all know it.
Today in America we all deserve a real chance in life.. We all have feelings and deserve to raise our families. Yea us Mexicans may mow lawns or do construction but one thing is for sure we all bleed the same. It’s a land of the free, freedom lets all remember that no matter your color or religion we are all human beings!!
"Watching Your Diet" by Felicia Ortega
Some one today asked me, “how did you lose weight, and how was your diet?” I get a little nervous when someone asks me questions, but I’m proud to talk about it so at that moment I didn’t hesitate. Let’s see, I stay away from sugar, I won’t eat anything with sugar in it. For example: chocolate, cupcakes, wafers, ice cream, cookies, pudding, soda, candy, and so much more I can’t even think. I won’t use dressings, my salads are dry or with fat free dressings, and my sandwich is made with whole grain-whole wheat bread, turkey, lettuce, tomatoes, and absolutely no mayo. I can’t eat whole dairy products, so I only eat dairy if its fat free or low fat. Apples and oranges are the best fruit to lose weight; I do eat a lot of them. Don’t forget steamed vegetables are also important too.
I have five to six small meals daily to keep my metabolism going threw out the day, and when you eat your small meals threw out the day, it burns calories on top of eating right. Wouldn’t you agree that’s good your body can do that? You don’t have to feel bad if you miss the gym from all your other things you have to get done every day. After an hour of getting up, I eat breakfast; an apple or orange is good. Two to three hours later I have a snack, a fat free string cheese will work. Another two to three hours I have lunch, a turkey sandwich is delicious. Next time around I have a serving of vegetables for a different snack. Then comes dinner, I like chicken salads. My food choice sometimes changes but I got use to the same food, and it doesn’t seem to bother me.
I will not go out to eat. There are times when you don’t have much of a choice, a family member’s birthday or just a special occasion. When this happens, I will study the menu long and hard, and ask for what I can’t eat to come off. Yes the waiter or waitress gives me a funny look.
Water is very important. Stay away from juices, coffee, and especially beer. One thing I didn’t mention yet, I love soda, so time from time I will reward myself with a diet soda.
Another thing, I will only eat white meat: turkey, chicken, pork, turkey burgers, any white meat.
I need to tell you that I like to spend my free time at the clubs. I love to have a girl’s night and just go out to dance and hear the music. Well you all know, not for everyone, but drinking is a priority when you go out. Not always, but at least for me it is. Drinking alcohol could mean beer or the mixed drinks; mixed drinks are my thing, well I told you, in this diet, you can’t have juices, and the drinks are usually made with juice or sodas, so what do I do? I ask for my drinks to be made with diet soda. If they don’t carry diet, then I just don’t drink, that simple. For me and others, dancing is something joyful, so on top of a girl’s night I get to burn calories as well.
I am strict with my diet. I decided it was time for me to take charge on my bad eating habits. I was tired of looking at myself and feel unhappy. I noticed I would go to eat out a lot and eat whatever I felt at that moment, it didn’t benefit me. I’m glad and happy to say, I lost 25 LBS. in six months. A goal I accomplished on my own. Everyone from my job, my family members, and my kids, they all noticed, they complement me and are shocked I lost a lot of weight. It makes a difference when you want something and reach for it. It was a sacrifice; it was hard and frustrating at times. When I wanted to eat anything, I always made sure I had something right to eat instead of whatever. This meant a lot to me to mess it up. When you reach for it and get it, it really does pay off in ways you need it to, whatever it is you want to change, do it with confidence and a positive attitude. You want to change something, remember not to cheat yourself.
I have five to six small meals daily to keep my metabolism going threw out the day, and when you eat your small meals threw out the day, it burns calories on top of eating right. Wouldn’t you agree that’s good your body can do that? You don’t have to feel bad if you miss the gym from all your other things you have to get done every day. After an hour of getting up, I eat breakfast; an apple or orange is good. Two to three hours later I have a snack, a fat free string cheese will work. Another two to three hours I have lunch, a turkey sandwich is delicious. Next time around I have a serving of vegetables for a different snack. Then comes dinner, I like chicken salads. My food choice sometimes changes but I got use to the same food, and it doesn’t seem to bother me.
I will not go out to eat. There are times when you don’t have much of a choice, a family member’s birthday or just a special occasion. When this happens, I will study the menu long and hard, and ask for what I can’t eat to come off. Yes the waiter or waitress gives me a funny look.
Water is very important. Stay away from juices, coffee, and especially beer. One thing I didn’t mention yet, I love soda, so time from time I will reward myself with a diet soda.
Another thing, I will only eat white meat: turkey, chicken, pork, turkey burgers, any white meat.
I need to tell you that I like to spend my free time at the clubs. I love to have a girl’s night and just go out to dance and hear the music. Well you all know, not for everyone, but drinking is a priority when you go out. Not always, but at least for me it is. Drinking alcohol could mean beer or the mixed drinks; mixed drinks are my thing, well I told you, in this diet, you can’t have juices, and the drinks are usually made with juice or sodas, so what do I do? I ask for my drinks to be made with diet soda. If they don’t carry diet, then I just don’t drink, that simple. For me and others, dancing is something joyful, so on top of a girl’s night I get to burn calories as well.
I am strict with my diet. I decided it was time for me to take charge on my bad eating habits. I was tired of looking at myself and feel unhappy. I noticed I would go to eat out a lot and eat whatever I felt at that moment, it didn’t benefit me. I’m glad and happy to say, I lost 25 LBS. in six months. A goal I accomplished on my own. Everyone from my job, my family members, and my kids, they all noticed, they complement me and are shocked I lost a lot of weight. It makes a difference when you want something and reach for it. It was a sacrifice; it was hard and frustrating at times. When I wanted to eat anything, I always made sure I had something right to eat instead of whatever. This meant a lot to me to mess it up. When you reach for it and get it, it really does pay off in ways you need it to, whatever it is you want to change, do it with confidence and a positive attitude. You want to change something, remember not to cheat yourself.
"L.O.V.E." by Denise Maes
Love is a strong word. Love is something that everyone feels at some point in their lives. Love can be something good or something bad. It can be something felt instantly or it can take time. But whenever it happens, it makes a person feel happy. Whether you're loving someone or they're loving you, it can last a life time or a short time.
Everyday people in the world are impacted by love. It can creep up on you like a itsy bitsy spider, and when it does it feels great to be loved. But not all love is good, it can some times hurt and be painful. Love can come and go it can tear your heart right out when you least expected it. Like breaks ups, they're never fun nor do we want to experience them. But sometimes love don't always turn out how we dreamed it would. Just when you thought your love was perfect, “POOF!” It's gone right before your eyes, and it may never come back. Some people fall out of love with one another, and some love lasts forever. But not all love is perfect some people make mistakes, like cheating, and expect to be forgiven and some times are but not always.
Relationships are never always perfect. Every couple has problems even if they're petty problems. The littlest things can cause problems in relationships, like having the opposite sex as friends can make you or your partner jealous and cause you to fight. Even if there is nothing to really worry about. I believe though as long as you have trust in your love for one another, then the relationship should last. Also space is needed some times, too much of one another could drive you both crazy.
I've heard that money plays a big part in the increasing divorce rate. I personally think that for some people money rules their world, and it shouldn't cause you to fight with your spouse. Money comes and goes but, the one you love, if the love is deep enough will always be there for you.
There's love at first sight. Like when you meet your Romeo or Juliet, or when your child is born it is a love you can never forget. It's an eternity love, a love that never does die. Well for most it's like that, because no matter what your child does good or bad you will always love them. We love our children and try to guide them in the right direction, and teach them right from wrong. Because we love them we want the best for them. I myself love my two daughters with all my heart, that I feel I would die for them if I had to. I wish I could give my children the world as do many other individuals. But the most important thing we can do as parents is love our children, and try to protect them.
Getting married is also a sign of good love, it's a commitment you're making to one another. A commitment that you make to only love that one person for eternity, even though it may not last a life time, it is worth the try. Especially if you love someone and want to spend the rest of your life with that person. Also at that very moment love is all you think about, you don't think about the bad it can bring in the future or what the outcome will be. It's a promise you make to each other to try and make it last forever. But love is about opening up and taking chances in life as is marriage, cause they are both big commitments.
But in the end, whether good love or bad love we all learn. We learn lesson's that can be life changing and help us grow as individuals. We think about what we could of , would of, should of, done different or better. And the next time love comes along we know what to expect and how to handle it.
Everyday people in the world are impacted by love. It can creep up on you like a itsy bitsy spider, and when it does it feels great to be loved. But not all love is good, it can some times hurt and be painful. Love can come and go it can tear your heart right out when you least expected it. Like breaks ups, they're never fun nor do we want to experience them. But sometimes love don't always turn out how we dreamed it would. Just when you thought your love was perfect, “POOF!” It's gone right before your eyes, and it may never come back. Some people fall out of love with one another, and some love lasts forever. But not all love is perfect some people make mistakes, like cheating, and expect to be forgiven and some times are but not always.
Relationships are never always perfect. Every couple has problems even if they're petty problems. The littlest things can cause problems in relationships, like having the opposite sex as friends can make you or your partner jealous and cause you to fight. Even if there is nothing to really worry about. I believe though as long as you have trust in your love for one another, then the relationship should last. Also space is needed some times, too much of one another could drive you both crazy.
I've heard that money plays a big part in the increasing divorce rate. I personally think that for some people money rules their world, and it shouldn't cause you to fight with your spouse. Money comes and goes but, the one you love, if the love is deep enough will always be there for you.
There's love at first sight. Like when you meet your Romeo or Juliet, or when your child is born it is a love you can never forget. It's an eternity love, a love that never does die. Well for most it's like that, because no matter what your child does good or bad you will always love them. We love our children and try to guide them in the right direction, and teach them right from wrong. Because we love them we want the best for them. I myself love my two daughters with all my heart, that I feel I would die for them if I had to. I wish I could give my children the world as do many other individuals. But the most important thing we can do as parents is love our children, and try to protect them.
Getting married is also a sign of good love, it's a commitment you're making to one another. A commitment that you make to only love that one person for eternity, even though it may not last a life time, it is worth the try. Especially if you love someone and want to spend the rest of your life with that person. Also at that very moment love is all you think about, you don't think about the bad it can bring in the future or what the outcome will be. It's a promise you make to each other to try and make it last forever. But love is about opening up and taking chances in life as is marriage, cause they are both big commitments.
But in the end, whether good love or bad love we all learn. We learn lesson's that can be life changing and help us grow as individuals. We think about what we could of , would of, should of, done different or better. And the next time love comes along we know what to expect and how to handle it.
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