Tuesday, March 2, 2010

March 2, 2010

Don't forget: NO CLASS THIS THURSDAY, 3/4

Some small changes/explanations to the syllabus:

Take Home Expository Prompt due 3/9 (In your syllabus it says TBA): Read at least one newspaper article, paying attention to the style of journalistic writing: straight expository information answering the questions who, what, when, where, and how. Note the "lead" sentence format: who, what, when, where, and how all answered in the first sentence. Write a newspaper article about some event in your life this week or something you witness (I prefer something that just happened rather than something from the past). Give it a headline, lead sentence, etc. One page.

3/9: We will also be discussing "Pronouns" from Sin and Syntax as well as the other two posted essays.
3/16: We will have a class workshopping day for part of this day. Details to follow
3/18: We will discuss the handout "Someone to Read Your Drafts" by Anne Lamott in addition to workshopping. I'll hand out when it gets closer.

Definition: Bevatron (good thing I checked--I was totally off)
Bevatron definition
☆ Beva·tron (bev′ə trän′)the synchrotron at the University of California, Berkeley, used to accelerate protons and other charged particles to an energy level of 6 GeV or more

Noun 1. bevatron - a cyclotron that accelerates protons up to several billion electron volts

cyclotron - an accelerator that imparts energies of several million electron-volts to rapidly moving particles

Journal #13: Why I Write

First of all, make sure to read Joan Didian's essay "Why I Write." Then, after reading, I want you to write your own journal entry on Why YOU Write. Write for 10 minutes.

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