Tuesday, June 29, 2010

June 29, 2010

Thanks to Richard and Bridget for letting us workshop their pieces in class today! There will be other opportunities for those of you who are interested.

Please read the new posts from Jeanie, Bridget and Christian below--they're great.

Don't forget to attach your workshopping to the final drafts of your Narrative Essays for Thursday.

Also there will be no class on July 22nd, as I will be out of town. I will rearrange the syllabus to compensate and give them to you ASAP.

Electronic link to "Why I Write" by Joan Didion. Please read for Thursday.

Journal #10: Fictional Narrative

Pick one of the pictures below. Imagine that this is a crucial day in the life of this person, that a photographer managed to swoop in and capture the critical event or moment in their lives that was going to change everything. Write about it for 10 minutes.

"Raspberry Fields" by Bridget Weber

When I was a young girl growing up I would spend my summers with my aunt Cecilia and my uncle Carl. My aunt and uncle lived in Ossineke, Michigan. Ossineke is a small community several miles outside of Alpena, Michigan. If you needed to go to a store or gas station the closest one was at least twenty minutes away at the corner store at the beginning of the community. The nearest major grocery store and mall is several miles away in Alpena, Michigan. This is also where most of the restaurants are located. Some of my best summers were spent with my aunt and uncle. When the summer was over I couldn’t wait for summer to come back so I could spend some more time with my aunt and uncle.

Early in the morning my aunt would get up and make me breakfast before when start our day picking raspberries in the raspberry patch. My aunt would make sure I wore my straw hat along with blue jean overalls and pink t-shirt. I always wore tennis shoes and socks when going out in the raspberry patches. We would then get on the golf cart to start going up and down the rows of red raspberries picking them and putting them in pints for customers who buy them from my aunt. The bright yellow sun beats down on me during the day. I can’t wait for the sunset, because when the sunsets it gets cooler, and this means we are done for the day.

On Friday nights we would my play bingo at the bingo hall in Hubbard Lake, Michigan. My aunt loved to play bingo and she would be able to catch up with her friends. I looked forward to Fridays, because after picking raspberries all day in the hot sun we got to play bingo in the air conditioned bingo hall. Saturdays were spent going in into Alpena, Michigan to spend the day. We would do some sight seeing and go shopping at the grocery store that was bigger than the corner store. We would also stop and have some lunch at one of the many restaurants around there. Sundays were always spent going to St. Catherine’s Catholic Church. After church we would go to breakfast at Marion’s a small family owned restaurant in Hubbard Lake, Michigan. This is where you could also get a fresh piece of raspberry pie that was made with fresh raspberries from my aunts raspberry patches. My aunt would sell the raspberries to everyone in town, She would have certain rows that people could come by and pick their own raspberries.

I wish my boys could have the same experiences I did as a child. My aunt passed away when my oldest son was two years old. So my sons didn’t get to experience the summers in the raspberry patches. My aunt adored my son Ricky she always enjoyed it when I would bring him a visit in the summer. This is my memories of my child hood summer that I will have always.

"Citrus and Summer" by Jeanie O'Connor

To this day, I love the smell of Lime Old Spice aftershave! Very few people wear it. But, when I catch a whiff of that sweet, citrus scent, I remember one special evening I had shared with my father. A memory nearly as sweet to me, as the fragrance itself.

It was a very hot August evening. The sun was casting shadows across the top of the hill that our home sat upon. An occasional breeze would cause the leaves to cast a shadow on the soft grass, as they danced to the sound of the rustling of the maple trees’ leaves. In the air, the sound of barking dogs up the block, my two older brothers playing football with their friends on the side lot of our corner house.

I lay in the soft grass, below our porch. In front of me is the sidewalk connecting the stairs from the street, to the stairs leading up the porch and to the front door. As I gaze in the crack of the sidewalk, I observe a trail of red ants. They are working hard to carry in the last of the food they have scrounged up during the daylight hours. Each of the ants worked together to carry a crumb from a cracker, through the tiny sand particles surrounding the hole, down into the cavernous city below. I wish that I could shrink to their size in order to explore the many roads beneath this hot sidewalk. I want to become a part of their tribe and the close knit camaraderie these tiny creatures share. Ants always look after one another, just like our family does.

I see a drinking straw lying in between some blades of grass. I think I’ll just pretend that I’m one of the ants, too. I begin to trail behind the last one in this row of ants. I use that straw to pretend that this straw is now me; this straw is also an ant that needs to follow the leaders of the tribe. I’m dragging the straw through the crack in the sidewalk that we’re marching in, guiding us to the ant hill with the rest of our family. Just as I’m approaching my turn to enter the hole to the caverns below, I hit a small piece of cement that causes me to have a spurt in my marching motion. As the straw frees itself from this hold, I accidentally hit the mound of sand and the entryway becomes clogged with an avalanche of sand. My newly found tribe is scrambling to dig out and they are not happy. I can’t believe that I’ve caused all of this turmoil. I hide from them by rolling over onto my back to gaze at the different shapes I see in the clouds above me.

Rolling over once more, I lay at the crest of the soft, grassy hill that slopes to the public portion of the sidewalk below. It would be so fun to continue the roll down this tall hill. It’s just too far, and too hot, to make the climb back up those fifteen stairs. I think I’ll just see what I can find in the sparse, white clouds above instead.

Just as I’m beginning to doze off to sleep, I remember how I have just angered the ants. I really should stay awake. I wouldn’t want them to retaliate against me while I’m asleep. They could make their way through the jungle of blades of grass, and bite my exposed arms and legs only to leave big, itchy red welts. I move quickly onto my elbows so I can spy on their movements. They can’t sneak up on me. I won’t let them.

My anticipation is building as I lay here. Dad should be home from work soon. I can’t wait until Daddy comes home! Just as I’m starting to doze off, I hear the sound of my dad’s motorcycle boots coming up the steps. While this startles me a bit, the happiness gives me a boost of energy that causes me to scurry to my feet.

Dad always found a way to make time for me. With the world upon his shoulders, and four people vying for his attention, Dad would always do his best to attend to the needs of each of his family. We never missed a meal. The house is always safe and warm. None of us felt we were a burden to my 26 year-old dad. Each one of us is important to him, just as he’s important to us. His love is incredible.

My father bends down to look at me eye-to-eye; clear, light blue eye to light blue eye. His eyes sparkle nearly as bright as his huge, white smile does. He scoops me up by my armpits and lifts me high up into the air. Lowering me to a hug at his chest, I feel my feet hit the top of his kneecaps. I relish the hug he’s sharing with me. I bury my face into the base of his neck and I catch a whiff of a soft, sweet, citrus scent. Oh, yeah, I love him and his smell.

Dad must have had an exceptional day. He begins to sing in my ear, “I could have daaaannnnnncced all niiiiiiiiigght… I could have daaaannnnnncced all niiiiiiiiigght…And still have daaaannnnnncced some more!” Each time he sang the word “daaaannnnnncced”, he swung me around in a twirling motion and my legs would fly around his body only to kick him in the kidneys. These movements only made us laugh—harder and harder. His hug is loving, firm, hug made everything in our worlds perfect.

We looked eyeball to eyeball, nose to nose again. I returned his kindness by embracing his cheeks in my little hands. One hug, even tighter than before, and I get to have that sweet scent again. Lime Old Spice Aftershave…Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhh…

The moment was interrupted as we can hear Mom calling for us from the front door. Here come Bob and Jack, running up the hill, trying to push the other one back so that they can win this race to my dad’s love. Jack gets there first—this time. Dad gives me a dip to end this formal dance and serenade.

We all love it when Dad is home. The summer is especially a wonderful time for an early return from work. That’s when we enjoy our family dinner at the dining room table. I help mom with the dishes. When all of the after dinner chores are finished, we can play a number of games together. My favorite ones are kick-the-can and going for a walk in the dark, through our neighborhood. If we don’t start whining or fighting, Dad will take us on a longer walk.

We usually go five or six short end of the blocks toward City Park. Then, Dad will pretend he’s still in the Navy and call us to attention. We stand as straight as possible, shoulders back, guts held in, serious looks on our faces. “AtteeennnnnnSHUN! LEEEeeefft FACE! FORRRWAaaaarrrrd MARCH!” We begin to march stiffly in a row, one behind the other. Usually my oldest brother was the leader, then my middle brother, and I would bring up the rear. First, Jack accidentally steps on the back of Bob’s shoe. This causes me to step on the back of Jack’s shoe, and Dad starts to burst out laughing. While Jack and Bob are arguing, Dad and I are laughing behind our hands as we cover our mouths. As we round the last of the corners from the half-mile walk, we begin to wind into our whiney, nit-picky state of mind. Just in time, we arrive at the steps of our home. WHEW! No one has reached the melt-down point; though it was close.

Luckily, the next time I would have the opportunity to smell this endearing fragrance, will be when Dad makes his final check on the three of us just before turning out each or our lights for bedtime. He gently buries his face in my neck, kisses me until I giggle from the tickling of his whiskers, and with that sparkle in his eye and that great smile of his, Dad says, “Goodnight, Kitten!” A soft, gentle kiss is placed at the end of my pug nose.

“Night, Daddy!” I respond, holding his face between my hands. It doesn’t take me long and I’m drifting off to sleep. It’s a happy, content, safe night of sleeping. All from one last blanket of a soft, sweet, citrus smell of that Lime Old Spice Aftershave. Life is so good.

"Me and You" by Christina Tran

When you left me,
You left a hole in my heart

It remained there
As if it was a permanent scar
that will never heal.

The love and affection for you came pouring
As tears ran down my cheeks.

You were like my best friend
My second mom
From feeding me to changing me
Taking care of everything while everyone worked

Even though you didn’t say a word,
The burden you bore dulled the light in your eyes

I appreciate everything you’ve done for me
With your presence, I truly sensed a special little girl inside me

When you wore that beautiful wedding dress,
My heart filled up with joy for you

When I found out they treated you like nothing,
My heart burned with anger

Receiving that phone call on August 9th, 2004
Broke my heart into tiny pieces

Such a wonderful person
But you left this world so young
We never even had our last moment together

Though only your spirits wander with me now,
I reminisce about the past,
As each part of our memories
Run across my mind.

When reality snaps in
I shed a tear
Realizing you’re in another place.

I regret so many things
Especially the chance to say
I love you
I never said it often but I know I do
You’re my aunt and you always will be
No one can replace the kind of relationship we had

I’ve always prayed for you
And I always will

May you rest in peace
And know that
I love you

Thursday, June 24, 2010

June 24, 2010

SYLLABUS CHANGE: I will be collecting journals on Tuesday June 29th NOT Thursday July 1st as written in the syllabus. So make sure and catch up by then if you have any missing journals!

Don't forget to bring four copies of your Narrative Shitty First Draft for Tuesday.

For those of you who missed, I will also leave extra copies of the handout "Someone to Read Your Drafts" by Anne Lamott in my mailbox in Rm 313.

Wanna see a little video of Malcolm X talking about History? Watch here

Dictionary Word of the Day: Engrossing

en·gross·ing   /ɛnˈgroʊsɪŋ/ Spelled[en-groh-sing] Show IPA
fully occupying the mind or attention; absorbing: I'm reading the most engrossing book.

1475–85; engross + -ing2

—Related forms
en·gross·ing·ly, adverb
non·en·gross·ing, adjective
non·en·gross·ing·ly, adverb
un·en·gross·ing, adjective

en·gross   /ɛnˈgroʊs/ Spelled[en-grohs] Show IPA
–verb (used with object)
1. to occupy completely, as the mind or attention; absorb: Their discussion engrossed his attention. She is engrossed in her work.
2. to write or copy in a clear, attractive, large script or in a formal manner, as a public document or record: to engross a deed.
3. to acquire the whole of (a commodity), in order to control the market; monopolize.


1275–1325; ME engros ( s ) en to gather in large quantities, draft (a will, etc.) in final form < AF engrosser, partly < ML ingrossāre to thicken, write large and thick (L in- in-2 + gross ( us ) thick + -āre inf. suffix); partly < AF, MF en gros in quantity, wholesale < L in + grossus; see gross

—Related forms
en·gross·ed·ly  /ɛnˈgroʊsɪdli, -ˈgroʊst-/ Show Spelled[en-groh-sid-lee, -grohst-] Show IPA, adverb
en·gross·er, noun
re·en·gross, verb (used with object)
self-en·grossed, adjective
un·en·grossed, adjective

1. involve, immerse, engage.

Journal #7: Your Signature Story

Okay, so for this entry I want you to think of a story you've told many times. This could be something funny or sad or whatever that may have happened to you or someone else...whenever you have an audience you like to tell this particular story because it gets a certain type of reaction. This should be a story you've told at least 5 times before. Think about how you've altered the story as you've told it, maybe made it longer here, funnier here, whatever. Each time you've told it, you've tried to improve it...so now write that story, exactly as you tell it, the way you tell it. Write for 10 minutes.

"You're Not Gay, Are You?" by Audra Boykin

“No, really! She asked me out…”

“Are you sure? What exactly did she say?”

“Well, I have the text; you can read it if you don’t believe me…”

The text, “ Hey, saw you at Pride. Your friend gave me your number and so I was wondering if you would like to go out tonight…that is if you’re not busy. Call me or text me back N.T.K.S. (need to know soon) Till then, thinking of you. Jen.”

“OMG!! So, what are you going to say. I mean, you’re not even gay! Are you? Oh my God!!! Kell, are you serious? For how long?”

“What does it matter? Think about it. When’s the last time you saw me with a guy? Yeah, it’s been that long.”

“Holly crap Kelly! You could have said something, I am your best friend aren’t I?

“Yes, but I didn’t want you to think that I liked you that way and I didn’t want to lose you as a friend, so that’s why I didn’t say anything. Besides you’re always saying fucked up shit about gays and I thought you’d go off the deep end.”

“I am so sorry Kell, I would never in a million years, I mean if I’d known you were gay. All that stuff I said, please forgive me.”

“What do you want me to say, that it’s just water under the bridge and don’t ever say that stuff ever again. I don’t know Andie, you said that you hated anyone that was gay and now that you know that I dig chicks, it’s all good. That sounds a little funky to me.”

“But Kelly, come on. We’ve been friends forever.”

“Yes and you’ve always been just a little more prejudice than I like…and now that I’ve shown you this side of me and took you to Pride, I don’t know if our friendship can make it through…and before you start in on me about my mom, she knows and has been there for me when you have been breaking my heart for a long time…”

“I don’t believe this. You always laughed at my jokes; you’ve never told me to stop or that I was hurting you.”

“Yeah, in fear that you would start cracking jokes about me being gay or that you would tell everyone at school, or anywhere else for that matter, that I was gay! And I said Yes; I’m going on this date! And if I hear one word about me or my lifestyle at school or work I will not forgive you or keep this friendship alive! You know, my mom thought I was crazy when I told her I was taking you to Pride, but I thought if you could see us in action and in love with life that maybe I could ‘Come Out’ to you and you would still be my friend. But you said such awful things yesterday…”

“Yes, I did say awful thing yesterday and I am ashamed of that and I know this is going to sound very hypocritical…but I am sorry for hurting you and I’ll do whatever you want me to do to prove that to you.”

“Do you honestly mean that?”

“Yes, I do because I love you. Kelly, you are the sister I never got. Brothers suck and you’re the only one I can talk to about them. Plus, who’s going to help you pick out what you’re going to wear tonight!!! Kelly, I will never say another mean hurtful thing about anyone ever again, I promise!”

“I’m going to keep my eye on you and I love you to Andie. Please don’t make me regret this. I don’t want a new best friend, I want you!”

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

June 22, 2010

Hello Class! I'll have your essays back for you on Thursday.

We discussed some basic dialogue punctuation today in class--for those of you who missed, or for those of you who want another cheat sheet, here's a helpful website:
Dialogue Punctuation

Narrative Assignment Due Thursday: Check your syllabus for more info, but make sure to focus on voice in this assignment, meaning I want you to write things exactly as people say them. Please turn in typed and in proper formatting. One page.

Journal #6: Coming of Age
Think back to a moment or event in childhood that "grew" you up. Maybe you even think of your childhood ending at that point, or maybe you just see it as when you became more adult. Write for at least 10 minutes.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

June 17, 2010

I'm looking forward to reading all your essays this weekend. I'll try to get them back to you Tuesday, but as I'm traveling this weekend it might be Thursday. In any case, I'm looking forward to it.

No changes to the syllabus, so just make sure you read the upcoming assignments for Tuesday. There could be a quiz...

Journal #5: Cups
The first thing we did before setting the timer was generate a brainstorm list of possible story ideas taken from the events of our lives, little cups "scooped" out, so to speak. Generate a list of possible ideas--these should be important, poignant, life changing perhaps, growing up sort of moments or events--moments or events that changed you, even if it is ever so slightly. Brainstorm a list and then choose one that seems particularly juicy and write about it for 10 minutes. We'll revisit the list in class...

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

June 15, 2010

Thanks so much to Veronica, Jeannie and Robert for allowing us to workshop their pieces in class. Thanks, guys! Also check out the new student postings below.

Your final Descriptive Essays are due Thursday. Please don't forget to attach your earlier versions/workshopping with your final--no handwritten stuff, but everything else.

Also, please read "Rawlins" and "The Price is Scabies" for Thursday, two short flash fiction pieces from the book Fast Forward: Volumne Two. I handed them out in class and I'll put the extras in my mailbox in Rm 313.

FYI--Here is the scoop on Jimmy Santiago Baca and what he is up to lately.

Journal #4: Your First Childhood Memory

Think back to the first really vivid you can remember as a child, and write about it, bringing it to life with all the descriptive tricks we've been working on so far. Write for 10 minutes.

"Summer's Captivating Touch" by Ghizlane Oubaali

The squirrels chased each other up the old thick oak tree as the leaves swayed in the light warm breeze. You could hear their nails scratching the outer wood of the tree as they ran from branch to branch. You could see that they were having fun, thankful that the summer is finally here. The sun hit the squirrels beautiful soft brownish-red fur and their tails swayed from side to side like a happy dog. Birds chirped in the trees in a beautiful soft melody as they soared in the everlasting sky. The leaves on the tree had grown thick and strong, with bold deep colors of red and green. Flowers bloomed, showing off their inner beauty and the honey bees floated around the flower finding the perfect place to land. You could hear the bee’s wings rhythmically fluttering around the yellow dandelions and peach blossoms and the dandelion seed ascending into the heavens in a spiral coiling motion. The children jumped, swinged, and slide around the vibrant playground. I could hear the children’s laughter echoing as they slid down the bright yellow slide. Sitting and gazing out at the world, a colorful moth like butterfly landed delicately on my red and yellow Ed Harley heels. Once the wind started to lightly blow, the butterfly opened its wings and drifted into the clear bright blue sky. I stared trying to keep visual of the miraculous insect, but its rapid speed and blinding sun diverted my attention. With no cloud in sight the sun’s warms rays caressed my skin. The warm feeling of summer is cherished by all and never forgotten. Everyone is rejoiced that summer was finally here. It sure was a great day at the park.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

"Mausoleums and Meth" by Veronica St. Clair

I wonder if all graves are exactly six feet deep. I realize how over crowded it is here. I do not however mean by the families or loved ones, but by the deceased. I wonder why people spend so much money on dressing up a rock that sits on top of a rotted and buried carcass. As I stare at the shiny, black marble inscribed in gold italic letters or the mausoleum engraved with the spiraled ivy and shitty poetry that appears to be stolen from some religious or spiritual Hallmark card, I think how ridiculous this all is. The poem is usually expressing what a great person was lost; the juicy part always left out and never fully exposed. No one dares to say how the mother overdosed on meth or beat her children before she drowned them in a bathtub. On the other hand, how the father had incurred an excessive amount of credit card debt buying anime porn off some illegitimate website, leaving his costly addiction to be inherited by a relative.

I hope no one would be so foolish to spend such an amount of money on me. I prefer to be stuffed and mounted in a corner, used as a coat rack, or coffee table, something useful. I do not wish to be buried in the soil of the world or to be over indulged in roses and lilies after I could no longer care. On the plus side of things, I love the way the cemetery smells like fresh cut grass and over priced flowers. It truly is lovely here. Being here makes concentrating so much easier, my surroundings being as calm as they are. After all, everyone is so shy and quiet here.

"A Great Day at the Park" by Carlos Martinez

As I go for a bike ride around Sloan’s Lake, I stop at a tree, a tree where a little boy and his grandma would once go to, to enjoy the outdoors, look around, and would watch the ducks. I begin to sit and feel the texture of the tree, the smooth feel of wood. As I go down, memories pop into my head. My grandma and I “fishing” with random sticks, a feeling of warmth begins to grow inside me as I smile. I look to my left and see a family fishing, the pole starts to bend and the excitement grows. Fighting back and forth, twisting and turning, trying to pull the string in. At the end of the string is a little fish caught on the hook. The father smiles as his son begins to celebrate. As I watch them put the fish into a cooler my ear catches a glimpse of ambulance sirens. The sound of the horn, the sound of sirens, the sound of rush. The ambulance pulls up to the hospital rushing a patient out of the back and into the hospital. A feeling of happiness quickly turns into a feeling of sympathy. Sympathy, for a woman coming out of the truck crying. The trees and my bike began to shake as my ears ring, and I look up to see the Flight For Life helicopter fly over my head to land on the hospital. Whoosh, the breeze of a biker zooms past me. I look back down and see a couple in the tennis courts hitting the ball back and forth, smack, smack, smack, etc. The woman spikes the ball and the point goes to her. My nose catches the smell of a barbeque going on next to the courts. The smell of the hamburgers, hot dogs, and my favorite, grilled jalapenos. I walk by to see all this food and as I do, my mouth begins to water. The ring of a bell catches my attention as I see a man pushing his ice cream cart. Kids rushing to him wanting the tastes of his delicious ice cream he has to offer. “Quack”, I look down and see a family of ducks crossing the sidewalk. A big duck stops in the middle of the sidewalk as the baby ducks cross. Everyone looks in amazement, and some “Awwww”. The noise of huge wings flap across my ear as I turn to see a white pelican landing in the lake. Its big orange mouth glides across the water scooping it up. I started to feel the sun beat against my skin and I could feel the heat as I became really hot. That was my sign to finish my ride around and head home. I enjoyed seeing all the features the lake had to offer and I would have never recognized any of it unless I really paid attention. A simple bike ride turned into a great day at the park.

June 10, 2010

Rough Drafts of your first major essay, your Descriptive Essay, are due Tuesday with FOUR COPIES.

So the idea is you can write about whatever you want, whatever moves you, whatever you want to spend time thinking and writing about. But use description to move your piece along...

Also think about the bigger meaning--it's not just enough to describe, but what does this MEAN to you, and what do you want it to mean to your reader? Remember Virginia Wolfe's moth? It was a descriptive story, yes, but there was a deeper meaning...

Here's a link to Shitty First Drafts by Anne Lamott. Read for Tuesday.

Journal Prompt #3: Dreams

Think of a particularly vivid dream that you've had--the more recent the better. Write it down using as much detail as possible. Think about using strong nouns as well as lots of sensory details (what it looks like, smells like, sounds like, feels like, tastes like). Try to bring it to life and make it as vivid as it was when you dreamed it.

An Extra Credit Opportunity! (This counts as a Literary Event--see your syllabus for write up instructions)

Saturday, June 12th, 7-9
“Size Matters” Flash Reading Series
Bardo’s Coffeeshop
238 South Broadway
Denver, CO 80209
(303) 629-8331

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

June 8, 2010

Hi all!
A couple of you mentioned starting blogs or posting things--be sure to EMAIL me the link to your blog so I can put it up, and anything you want me to post on our blog email to me as an attachment with "POST TO BLOG" in the subject line. Thanks. Also, be sure to read Chris Darby's story "The Sunshine Monster" below...

I left a few copies of the handout "Coming Into Language" in my mailbox in Rm 313 for those of you who weren't in class. Please have it read for class on Thursday along with "Adjectives" in Sin and Syntax.

Journal #2: A Place

We've done a lot with people watching, now let's switch to places. Think of a place that you are very familiar with--it could be someplace you go now, a place from childhood, a place you go when you need to get away. It can be in nature or urban. A house. A van. A place you go to in your imagination. Put yourself in that place and describe it. What's the weather like? What time of day is it? What are the sounds, smells, tastes and sights of the place? How do you feel there? Are you alone? Who else is there? What happens in this place? Feel free to make something happen there if you like. Write for 10 minutes.

"The Sunshine Monster" by Chris Darby

Once upon a time, there was a student named Tyrone Biggems. Tyrone was considered the new kid on the block. During his first day of school, he became friends with everyone and everyone enjoyed his presents. The day seemed to be going well until he walked into her classroom.

There was nothing but sunshine, flowers and pretty rainbows with her. She is the kindest and sweetest teacher you’ll ever know. When forced to face her it feels as if she’s slowly sucking away any and all happy emotions you may have right out of your body. As Tyrone entered her classroom he noticed how every student looked as if their spirits were taken from them. The sight of this reminded Tyrone of a horror movie he seen three weeks before, where everyone was flesh eating zombies looking for brains.

After quietly working, Tyrone finished his first day project and raised his hand. As the sunshine monster approached, Tyrone saw how drained of spirit everyone became as she passed by, “are you done Mr. Biggems”, she asked sweetly. Her sweet talking makes you feel like a little kid who just got a blue ribbon for a crappie finger painting. Tyrone for sure believed that she must of done sum psychedelic drugs back in her time which made her this way.

As the day came to a close, Tyron realized that the happier someone is the sadder you may become depending on how you deal with it. Although she wasn’t necessarily a monster, the thought of her happiness made everyone fear her. Therefore, she will always be known as the Sunshine Monster.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

June 3, 2010

Be sure to read Tammy Solis' Creative Monster story below, and check out her new blog! Way to go, Tammy!

Link to "The Things They Carried" by Tim O'Brian, for those of you who don't have the book yet:

Please see your syllabus for a complete description of the Descriptive Assignment due on Tuesday.

Journal #1: Character Sketch
(This is the first prompt that should be in your journal.)

In class we paired up. On your own, you should find a stranger, maybe a classmate, maybe a stranger on the bus, etc. The idea is to "sketch" the person with words. Basically you are going to describe them, but focus on the particulars, on the details, on what about them makes them stand out as an individual. Don't just say they are wearing shoes, but what KIND of shoes? What is unique about them? And then take your observations a step further: by just looking at the details, what kind of person might they be? What might they do in their spare time? What might they be thinking about right now...?

The idea is not to be "right," as you will probably in fact be wrong. The idea is to create a character out of them, invent them, make it all up and use your imagination.

Write for 10 minutes in your journal.

"Creative Monster" by Tammy Solis

Long ago when I was a young child in the third grade, I had suffered a learning disability. I would have to move to the back of the classroom with a teacher assistant to learn how to read. That very same teacher assistant had told me “her two year old granddaughter had read better than me”. That had made me feel at that moment, horrible, stupid, and dumb, I wanted to cry; I wanted to run away, I never wanted to go back to school. I never wanted to pick up a book and read again. Reading and writing was very challenging for me.

I went on with my life remembering that person, sitting at the table beside me. I was trying to read “dick and Jane” I remember that old smelly book. I remember the bold black font and red lettering in that book. Most of all I remember trying to sound out the words in that book. I was unable to sound out the words. Everything looked foreign to me. I could not understand what I was doing wrong. I could remember, not knowing what was expected of me, or what I was supposed to do. I could not understand why, I was unable to read like the other girls and boys in my class. It was the longest thirty minutes I ever had, sitting next to that teacher assistant in reading class. I could feel her frustration in her voice. The whole situation was uncomfortable experience. I could remember it was hard for me to learn until I wanted to learn, I needed to learn to survive.

Little after that my family and I stated to attending church and having bible study in our home we had to read aloud in front of the whole group. Eventually I learned how to read at a fifth grade level, just enough to get through school I was a student who was passed on grade to grade. I eventually dropped out of high school in the twelfth grade. Because of a disability, I have ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder). I kept on reading I started with newspaper, I eventually was able to read to my two toddlers. I wanted to be a good role model to my two girls. I started to study for the G.E.D. test. My reading skills increased. I later received my G.E.D.

Now at thirty- seven years old, single mother of three, I have to keep up with my children. I am currently a student at Metropolitan State of Denver. I have all ways had an interest in Higher Education. I wanted to graduate from college with degrees, in U. S. A. Government, and Law. I am currently working on a degree in criminal justice. I have all ways like being in school. I have a passion for knowledge and education. I have strength and weakness in some academic subjects. I can overcome all weakness by working and studying harder. With my personality nothing can keep me from achieving my dreams or the goals, I set forth myself.

I may remember what that teacher assistant had told me, as if it was just today. It had bothered me for a long time that someone in that authority would say such hurtful words to a child with a disability, and showed such frustration. All that is all behind me now; I am a better reader now, than a writer. However, I am working on my writing skills; I am attending English and math at Community College of Denver. I have a grade point average of three point one four for spring two thousand and ten. I am working on a four point zero this summer semester of two thousand and ten. If it was not for that teacher assistant to be little me the way she did, I would have not have been as motivated as I am today to receive a college degree. I have a goal that I will achieve by graduating and receiving a degree in law.

Now that I put my thoughts and feelings about that teacher assistant on paper, I can move past those old feelings I have for reading. I have noticed if I am interested, in what I am reading I can finish a book. I have never completed a book, until last semester in history. I enjoy reading about things that I am interested in now, other than textbooks I have to read for school. I have a strong belief that I can do whatever I want and I can achieve any desire I have.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

June 1, 2010

Welcome Classes!

Handouts from today:
Ten Things You Need to Stop Misspelling

Links to the readings for next time (in case you still don't have your Reader for Writers books). Please note we're reading TWO different essays about moths:

"The Death of a Moth" by Annie Dillard
I can't find a link to the full essay, but here is a link to an excerpt: Click here
You will need to read the full text before class, however. Perhaps ask a classmate to photocopy their book (it's only 3 pages).

I also found a weird home movie version of it: Watch video here

"Death of The Moth" by Virginia Wolfe

Writing Assignment: Creative Monsters

At some point in our writing we were given a potentially damaging message. For example, maybe in 2nd grade Mrs. Thompson said that you were a horrible speller, or Mr. Jones said your handwriting was atrocious or Ms. Dillon said you would never be able to write. It could have been a teacher, a parent, another adult or even a peer. Regardless, these messages stay with us. Your writing prompt: Write out the story of one of these “Creative Monsters.” Describe the person, the situation, the setting, what happened, how it made you feel, and how it ended. Try and arrange it like a story, with a beginning, middle, and end. Tell it with enthusiasm and color, as if you were telling a story to one of your friends over dinner. If you want an extra challenge (good for you!)trying beginning the story "Once upon a time" and see what happens. Try to fill one page.

Please revise and bring these typed to our next class with the proper heading (see syllabus for heading instructions.) You may label them Creative Monster Stories.

Summer 090 Syllabus

Here's the syllabus. Sorry if the formatting got messed up!

ENG 090--002 (3 credits) Basic Composition
Summer, 2010

Instructor: Nancy Stohlman
Class Meets Tuesdays/Thursdays
Instructor’s Office: South Classroom Room 230
Instructor’s Mailbox: South Classroom Room 313
Instructor’s email: nancystohlman@gmail.com
Class blog: www.profstohlman.blogspot.com
Office Hours: 2:30-3:30 Tuesdays and Thursdays or by appointment

Center for Educational Advancement
Prerequisites: “C” or better in ENG 060 or ACCUPLACER score of 70-94
or a C or better in ESL 053
Co-requisite: AAA 099: Enhanced Learning Support 1 credit

Educational Case Manager: Rosie Sanchez
Help with advising, financial aid, academic and related personal issues
Office: SO 312 E
Phone: (303) 556-2790
Email: rosie.sanchez@ccd.edu
Email for appointment or stop by her office

**If you have no experience typing, you may want to sign up for a 1-credit computer keyboarding class this semester, BTE 100

Required Course Materials:

A Reader for Writers, 2nd Developmental English
Sin and Syntax, Constance Hale
One 8.5x11 spiral-bound notebook that will be periodically turned in for review
Additional handouts provided

A paperback college-level dictionary
A paperback college-level thesaurus

Course Description

This course emphasizes both critical thinking and creative writing as students explore writing for diverse purposes and audiences. Students will develop skills required for college-level writing while reviewing paragraph structure and focusing on essay development, storytelling and an increased comfort and ease with language.

Course Objectives and Classroom Methods

To make you a better writer, of course! Specifically by the end of the semester I want you to have an increased knowledge in: grammar, descriptive and metaphoric language, clichés, story arcs, points of view, essay structure, intro and conclusions, vocabulary, topic sentences, dialogue, revision and workshopping, voice, sentence structure, rhythm, and most importantly—learning to trust yourself as a writer.

Kinds of Writing we’ll be doing:

Process/Self-Assessment Essay
Final Portfolio


Your journal will consist mostly of in-class exercises and other handwritten work. It will be turned in for review 2 times during the semester.

There will be 5 major assignments:
Descriptive Essay
Narrative Essay
Expository Essay
Persuasive Essay
Final Portfolio

Each of these assignments will be preceded by prompts, rough drafts and in-class workshopping, so don’t panic!

Evaluation Methods and Class Management

To complete this course successfully you must finish all work with a C or better, turn your work in on time and in the proper format, conform to class attendance policies, and participate regularly in class.

Late Work: Work that is one class period late will be docked 50% of possible points. Late work that is more than one class period late will not be accepted. If you are unable to attend class, you may turn in work to me by email no later than the end of your scheduled class time on the day it is due to receive full credit.

Absolutely no texting or cell phone use during class. I will ask you to leave. If you must take a call, inform me of this before class and exit quietly to take your call.


Attendance is crucial for your learning, since much of our work will be done in class. You will be allowed two absences that won’t affect your grade. However, I will deduct 5 points from your final grade starting with your third absence. This means that you can do everything else in class but still fail the class if you do not show up. I repeat: You can turn in all assignments and still fail the class if you have too many absences. So make sure to show up.

Students will be held responsible for any and all information missed due to absence, including assignments. I suggest that you exchange contact information with one or two other students in the class in case you miss a class and need to know what you have missed. Also please consult the Class Blog, as I will post changes to the syllabus and writing prompts there. I reserve the right to change the assignment dates and/or descriptions at any time during the semester. I will always announce any changes in class, so it is the student’s responsibility to keep informed of any changes.

In keeping with CCD’s Attendance Policy: “Faculty may give a failing grade to any student who has a 15% or greater absence from a course, starting from the first class meeting.”

Tardy Policy: While sometimes being late is unavoidable, tardiness is disruptive to the class and should be avoided. Three tardies (more than 10 minutes) will equal one absence.


Final Portfolio 18 points
Journal 12 points
Assignments 10 points
Essays 40 points
Attendance/ Participation 10 points
Writing Center/Lab 8 points
Blog Posting 2 points
Total Possible 100 points
(Instructor may award 5 bonus points to any student showing exceptional effort)
Instructor may offer bonus assignments at her discretion.

A: 90-100
B: 80-90
C: 70-80
D: 60-70
F: 59 or lower

Essay Formatting

Each time you submit a final essay, all previous brainstorming, outlining, and early drafts must also be submitted with the final draft. Drafts, final drafts, and essays must be turned in typed. THIS MEANS everything but your notebook needs to be turned in TYPED. No exceptions.

All work should be double-spaced, 1-inch margins, 12 point font Times New Roman. Please put page numbers if more than one page (either top or bottom). All work should be formatted as follows and given a title:

English 090-002, T/Th 8:00-10:00
Nancy Stohlman
Assignment (i.e. Descriptive Paragraph First Draft, Narrative Essay Final Draft, etc.)

Class Blog
I will update the class blog with specifics of the day, daily prompts, any changes to syllabus or reminders, announcements, etc. The class blog is NOT a substitute for the syllabus, however, so you will need to consult your syllabus for your daily assignments. Please consult the blog (or another student) if you missed class and need to know what you missed.

Everyone must post one piece of writing done in this class to the class blog. In order to post, please send your work to my email at nancystohlman@gmail.com and put in the subject line: Please Post to Blog. Make sure your name is on you paper, of course. Keep in mind that I will not edit your paper for you but will post it as is, so make sure it’s ready before you post. You may post multiple times, but only once is required. Email your post to me no later than July 29.

Final Portfolio

Your final portfolio will be an 8-10 page polished compilation of the work you’ve been doing this semester plus a Process/Self-Assessment Essay. You’ll have a chance to workshop it with a colleague, but this portfolio should be error-free. I’ll expect you to use all formatting guidelines. Also, I’ll expect that each piece will have been revised again since I saw it last—I will be able to tell! Think of this as a final art exhibit of your work. Details when we get closer.


Plagiarism is literary theft of another author’s ideas and/or exact words, without giving proper credit to the source in both the text of your essay and on the Works Cited sheet. This rule is true of direct quotes, paraphrases, and summaries. Plagiarism is a serious ethical offense and may be grounds for the student’s failure in this class. Cheating of any kind will get you kicked out of my class and possibly expelled.

Writing Center

All ENG 090 students must attend Writing Center sessions based on the requirements in the Daily Calendar. If you cannot attend the Writing Center to have a tutor advise you on them before turning them in to me, you may use the OWL to submit papers on line. This requires planning ahead since the return time is 48 hours. Owl.ccd.edu

AAA 099 requirements: 25 hours in the Academic Support Center Labs

Please take advantage of the FREE tutors in the Writing Lab—students who take that kind of initiative always turn in stronger work and get higher grades.

Tentative Course Schedule and Weekly Assignments:
(subject to change)

**Every day we will do in-class exercises—you will need a spiral-bound notebook for just this class. Please bring your readings for the day and spiral notebooks to every class.

Week One: Introductions. Descriptive Writing
Tuesday, 6/1: Introductions, Syllabus, Course Objectives
In-class writing: Creative Monsters
Discussion: Ten Things to Stop Misspelling

*Thursday, 6/3: Turn in Creative Monster prompt in correct formatting (see above).
Journal #1: Descriptive
(please have your spiral notebooks)
Discussion: “Death of A Moth” by Annie Dillard
“Death of The Moth” by Virginia Wolfe
Discussion: Sensory Description

Take Home Descriptive Prompt: Sit in a public place for 5-10 minutes with your journal, just watching. Then write for 10 minutes describing in great detail what you saw, witnessed, etc. Think about using strong nouns and sensory description. OR Focus on one sense.

Week Two: Descriptive Writing
Tuesday, 6/8: DUE: Descriptive Prompt in correct formatting
“The Things They Carried” by Tim O’Brien
Chapter 1 “Nouns” from Sin and Syntax
Discussion: Nouns in Description (Self-Editing)
Proper vs. common
Journal #2: Descriptive

*Thursday, 6/10: Discussion: “Coming into Language” by Jimmy Santiago Baca
“FF pieces?”
“Adjectives” from Sin and Syntax
Metaphoric Language
Journal #3: Descriptive

Week Three: Descriptive Writing/Narrative Writing
Tuesday, 6/15: Due: Descriptive Rough Draft with four copies
“Shitty First Drafts” from Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott
Discussion of workshopping
In-class workshopping
All class workshopping
Journal #4: Descriptive

Thursday, 6/17: DUE: Descriptive Essay with all rough drafts
Discussion of Narrative Writing
Discussion: “Rawlings” by William Haywood Henderson
Other narratives TBA
Journal #5: Narrative
Discussion: Story Arc, Beginnings, Middles Endings

Week Four: Narrative Writing
Tuesday, 6/22: Discussion: “Verbs” from Sin and Syntax
“Salvation” by Langston Hughes
“The Monkey Garden” by Sandra Cisneros
Journal #6: Narrative
Discussion—Paragraphs (maybe switch with above?)
Discussion: Voice

Take Home Narrative Prompt: Eavesdrop for at least 5 minutes on someone else’s conversation, either in public or not. Then attempt to write the entire conversation verbatim, but making sure to use the “voice” of the people speaking. OR ask someone to tell you their story and write it down in their voice.

Thursday, 6/24: DUE: Narrative Prompt in proper formatting
“A Homemade Education” by Malcolm X
“The Toughest Indian in the World” by Sherman Alexie
“Pronouns” in Sin and Syntax
Journal #7: Narrative

Week Five: Narrative Writing/Expository Writing
Tuesday, 6/29: Due: Rough Draft Narrative Essay with four copies
Journal #8: Narrative
Class Workshop
In-class workshop: Discussion: Radical Revision
“Someone to Read Your Drafts” by Anne Lamott
In class handouts: Verb Tenses

*Thursday, 7/1: Narrative Essay Due with all attachments
Journals Due
Discussion of Expository Writing
Journal #9: Expository
In class handouts: “Why I Write” by Joan Didion
“Morning Pages” by Julia Cameron
Mid-Term evaluations/discussion

Week Six: Expository Writing
Tuesday, 7/6: Discussion: “Adverbs” in Sin and Syntax
“I Want a Wife” by Judy Brady
“On Dumpster Diving” by Lars Eighner
Discussion: Lead Sentences
Journal #10: Expository

Take Home Expository Prompt: Read at least one newspaper article, paying attention to the style of journalistic writing: straight expository information answering the questions who, what, when, where, and how. Note the "lead" sentence format: who, what, when, where, and how all answered in the first sentence. Write a newspaper article about some event in your life this week or something you witness (I prefer something that just happened rather than something from the past). Give it a headline, lead sentence, etc. One page.

Thursday, 7/8: Turn in Expository Prompt in Proper Formatting
Journal #11: Expository
“I Just Wanna Be Average” by Mike Rose
“Politics and the English Language” by George Orwell
Discussion: Cliches and handout “How to slay a cliché”

Week Seven: Expository Writing/Persuasive Writing
*Tuesday, 7/13: Due: Rough Draft Expository with four copies
“I Have a Dream” by Martin Luther King, Jr.
“Just Walk On By” by Brent Staples
Journal #12: Expository
Discussion: Rhythm/Sentence Fragments
In-class Workshop
All class workshop

Thursday, 7/15: Final Expository Essay Due with all attachments
Discussion of Persuasive Writing
“The Smurfette Principle” by Katha Politt
“Thoughts Interrupted” by Amy Joyce
Journal #13: Persuasive
Discussion: Five Paragraph Essays

Week Eight: Persuasive Writing/Satire
Tuesday, 7/20: Discussion “Are the Homeless Crazy?” by Johathan Kozol, p. 154-157
“Hers; Provider” by Alice Hoffman
“Gay Marriages” by Elizabeth Armstrong
Journal #14: Persuasive
Discussion: Intro and Conclusions/semi-colons

Take Home Persuasive Prompt: Either listen in on or begin a controversial discussion. Then write a Point/Counterpoint. OR write a review of anything: a meal you ate, a movie you rented, a date you went on, an event you attended. The purpose here is to have a strong opinion and let that come through.

*Thursday, 7/22: Persuasive Prompt in proper formatting
Discussion of “A Modest Proposal” by Jonathan Swift (handout)
Journal #15: Persuasive

Week Nine: Persuasive Writing/Final Portfolios
Tuesday, 7/27: Due: Persuasive Rough Draft with four copies
In class workshop
Journal #16: Process

Thursday: 7/29: DUE: Final Draft Persuasive Essay with all attachments
All Extra Credit Due
Discussion of Final Portfolio
Journal #17: Process
Reading: “On Writing” by Stephen King (handout)
Discussion: Reading

Week Ten: Final Portfolios/Wrap-Up

Tuesday, 8/3: DUE: Rough Draft Portfolio with 1 copy (partners will be assigned)
DUE: Journals
In-class Portfolio workshopping
Journal #18

Thursday, 8/5:
Final Portfolios Due 8/5 by 4:00 pm MST

Extra Credit:

(All extra credit must be received by instructor no later than July 29, 2010)

• Create Your Own Blog—2 points
Two points extra credit will be given to anyone who starts their own blog as a result of this class and makes at least three posts of their own writing throughout the semester. In order to receive credit, please email me with the link to your blog by July 29.

• Attend a Literary Event and Write a Response—2 points
Two points extra credit will be given to anyone attending a literary event around town and then writing a one-page response to the event. The response should be written in the same format and with the same attention to detail as you would any other homework assignment. Below is a list of possible ongoing literary events, but if you find others not listed here, or one-time-events, please check with me first to make sure it will count. Papers must be received no later than July 29.

Here are two events that I will be part of:

Saturday, June 12th, 7-9
“Size Matters” Flash Reading Series and Release Party for Fast Forward: The Mix Tape
Bardo’s Coffeeshop
238 South Broadway
Denver, CO 80209
(303) 629-8331

Thursday, June 17th, 7:30
The Gypsy House Reading Series
Gypsy House Cafe
1279 Marion St
Denver, CO 80218-2296
(303) 830-1112

And here are some ongoing events:
1st & LAST Mondays
SlamNuba – open mic & slam feat. members of the Cafe Nuba Slam Team + DJ CaveM
doors 7:30pm – $5 – All-Ages
@Crossroads Theatre, 26th & Welton in Denver’s Five Points

2nd & 4th Tuesdays
Minor Disturbance Youth Series & Slam – feat. writing wksps & performances
7:30pm – Free (donations welcome) – Youth (ages 12-19)
@Flobots.org Community Space, 27th & Larimer, Denver
1st & 3rd Tuesdays
Justiz Speech Open Mic
7:00pm – 11:00pm | Free | All-Ages
@Gypsy House Cafe, 13th & Marion St. Denver

Last Wednesday of the Month
“Poet As Muse” – feat. spoken-word, live visual art, hookah & good vibes
7:30pm – Free – All-Ages
@Gypsy House Cafe, 13th & Marion St. Denver
DejaVu – spoken word mic feat. local & national poets for the “grown & sexy”
Every Wednesday | 9:00pm – 21+
@Twisted Olive at Northfield Stapleton, 8270 Northfields Blvd, Unit 1480 Denver
Every Wednesday
“She Said” Interactive Mic
9:00pm – 12:30am | 21+ | LGBTQ-Powered
@ Her Bar, E. Colfax & Pearl, Denver

2nd Fridays
Cafe Cultura – Latino & Indigenous inspired spoken-word, music & live art
7:30pm – Free – All-Ages/Youth-Powered
@LaAcademia, 9th & Galapego

1st & 3rd Saturdays
The SpeakOut Poetry Getaway – urban word, community issues & poetry
doors: 8:00pm/show 9:00pm – $5 – All-Ages
@Sam’s BBQ, 435 So. Cherry, Glendale, CO

Mercury Slam – spoken-word and slam w/ feat. local & national poets
Every Sunday | 7:30pm – $5 suggested donation – All-Ages/Youth-Powered
@Mercury Cafe, 21st & California St. Denver

Important dates:

Last day to drop and receive a refund for 15-week classes is
Last day to drop the class with a W is
Grades available to students:

Student Code of Conduct and Academic Integrity Admission to the Community College of Denver implies that you agree to respect the rights of others and observe moral and civil laws. Interference with the normal processes of education in the classroom or elsewhere on the campus will be regarded as unacceptable conduct, warranting suspension or dismissal. Complete Student Code of Conduct is at this web site: http://www.ccd.edu/search.aspx?WebID=63204&&View=0&Search=student%20code%20of%20conduct

Americans with Disabilities Act Students with a documented disability who need reasonable accommodations to achieve course objectives should notify the instructor and apply for services at the Center for Persons with Disabilities within the first week of classes. NOTE: All students who identify themselves to faculty as having a disability or suspect that they have a disability should be encouraged to contact the Director of the Center for Persons with Disabilities (CPD), Room 134, South Classroom Building, 1st Floor. Faculty is not obligated to provide accommodations without proper notification from the Center for Persons with Disabilities Office. You may also contact CPD staff by telephone to make an appointment: (303) 556-3300.
More information is available at http://www.ccd.edu/Disabilities/Disabilities.aspx

Grade of Incomplete
Incomplete: An "I" indicates that the course objectives are not yet fulfilled. It is the responsibility of the student to request, if needed, the assignment of an incomplete grade. The instructor's decision to authorize or not authorize an incomplete grade is final. The student must have completed 75% of the class with a C or better, and must complete the rest of the work with the same instructor. Arrangement for the completion of the course must be made with the instructor prior to the assignment of the "I" grade. This agreement must be written on a Contract for Incomplete Grade Form. The instructor may allow up to one full semester for the student to complete missing requirements. "I" grades not changed by the end of the following semester will automatically become failing grades (F).
Grade of SP You can receive an SP grade only if you
• attended the full term (missing no more than 5 classes and completing all 15 hours of lab work)
• have shown satisfactory progress by completing all assigned course work
• but have not yet mastered the skills that will give you the opportunity to be successful in the next class in the sequence.
If the SP grade is received, you must complete the course within the next 15 week semester, or the grade will change to NC (no credit). If the SP grade is received, you may attend the same course the following semester (without registering or paying again for the course) with the same instructor or a different instructor (with her/his permission). You must show the instructor the proper paperwork (from the instructor who graded you SP) to be allowed into the class. If you earn a C or better at the completion of the course, the instructor will submit a grade change to change the SP to a C or better. Then you will be allowed to register for the next course in the sequence. A D, F, AW, I, or SP will not allow you to enter the next course in the sequence.

Keep Track of Your Grade

Creative Monster Prompt:____________(2)
Descriptive Prompt: _____________ (2)
Descriptive Essay _____________ (10)
Narrative Prompt: _____________ (2)
First Half Journal: _____________ (6)
Narrative Essay: _____________ (10)
Expository Prompt: ______________(2)
Expository Essay: ______________(10)
Argumentative Prompt:_____________ (2)
Argumentative Essay:_______________(10)
Second Half Journal ______________ (6)
Blog Posting _______________ (2)
25 Lab Hours: _______________(8)
Portfolio: ________________(18)
Participation: ________________ (10)
Total: _______________ (100)
Absences: ______________ (Subtract 5 points for every absence after first two)

Grand Total: _______________ (100)