Thursday, January 21, 2010

January 21, 2010

Handouts from today:
Ten Things You Need to Stop Misspelling

I will also put extra handouts of this in my mailbox in Rm 313. Also, I have ONE photocopy of the "Nouns" Chapter from Sin and Syntax, which you need to have read by Tuesday. I'll stick it in my box and first come first serve.

Journal Prompt #1: Character Sketch
(This is the first prompt that should be in your journal. You do NOT have to type this up)

In class we paired up. On your own, you should find a stranger, maybe a classmate, maybe a stranger on the bus, etc. The idea is to "sketch" the person with words. Basically you are going to describe them, but focus on the particulars, on the details, on what about them makes them stand out as an individual. Don't just say they are wearing shoes, but what KIND of shoes? What is unique about them? And then take your observations a step further: by just looking at the details, what kind of person might they be? What might they do in their spare time? What might they be thinking about right now...?

The idea is not to be "right," as you will probably in fact be wrong. The idea is to create a character out of them, invent them, make it all up and use your imagination.

Write for 10 minutes in your journal.

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