Thursday, March 11, 2010

March 11, 2010

Great classes today! For next class: Richard, Tiffany, Andra and Richard, don't forget to send me your essays!

If you haven't read George Orwell's essay already, please do.

What's a cliche? Here's a link to Cliche-a-day

Here's today's cliche:

Cliché: shoestring budget

Meaning: limited resources or of lowest financial means (example)

Rewrite 1: second-hand budget
Rewrite 2: single-flower budget
Rewrite 3: staples funds
Rewrite 4: hand-me-down reserves
Rewrite 5: do-it-yourself plan

Comment: This cliché is full of opportunity for rewrites and recasting, and in today's economy there is likely ample reason to, with so many stories of people cutting back on spending or trimming luxuries.

Journal Entry #15: What I Know (and how I know it)

Especially considering the essay "Just Walk on By" that we read for today, ask yourself: What do I know? You've all been on the planet for however many years, and in this time there are certain things you've come to know or understand. What are they? Make a list or pick one as the start of an expository essay...

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