Thursday, June 17, 2010

June 17, 2010

I'm looking forward to reading all your essays this weekend. I'll try to get them back to you Tuesday, but as I'm traveling this weekend it might be Thursday. In any case, I'm looking forward to it.

No changes to the syllabus, so just make sure you read the upcoming assignments for Tuesday. There could be a quiz...

Journal #5: Cups
The first thing we did before setting the timer was generate a brainstorm list of possible story ideas taken from the events of our lives, little cups "scooped" out, so to speak. Generate a list of possible ideas--these should be important, poignant, life changing perhaps, growing up sort of moments or events--moments or events that changed you, even if it is ever so slightly. Brainstorm a list and then choose one that seems particularly juicy and write about it for 10 minutes. We'll revisit the list in class...

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