Saturday, October 16, 2010

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Great discussion today! Please add "Someone to Read Your Drafts" to your syllabus for Oct 23--I handed them out in class today and I'll leave some in my mailbox...

Here's a link to Cliche a day:

And here's today cliche:

Cliché: he's toast
meaning: facing certain defeat (example - be toast)

Rewrite 1: he's month-old biscuit
Rewrite 2: he's burnt bacon
Rewrite 3: he's melted ice
Rewrite 4: he's overdosed on Tobasco
Rewrite 5: he's past his use-by date

Comment: These all relate to food in different states of disaster. What other metaphors might you explore?

I just realized that I never posted for last week, Saturday the 9th. So here are the journals we did for that class and then the ones for today.

Journal #11: Write a Letter to Someone

Journal #12: Journal #14: How To__________This is a two-part journal entry. In the first few minutes, generate a list of things you are an expert on. You may interpret the word "expert" loosely--you are an expert on many things, both serious, funny, concrete and esoteric. Get as many things on the list as possible. Then choose one and go ahead and write a "How To" manual explaining how to do that thing. Write for 10 minutes

Journal #13: Instructions to your Body DoubleOkay, imagine you are going out of town for a week to someplace fabulous. Imagine that you have hired a "body double" to live your life for you while you will be out of town. Write an instructional note to your body double explaining information they might need to know about being "you" for a week (how to deal with mother-in-law, how to avoid ex's phone calls, how to discipline the children, etc.) Write for 10 minutes.

Journal #14: What I Know (and how I know it)
Ask yourself: What do I know? You've all been on the planet for however many years, and in this time there are certain things you've come to know or understand. What are they? Make a list or pick one and discuss it. Write for 10 minutes

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