Wednesday, December 1, 2010

"Music" by Lena Nammari

Music is important to a lot of people. It can mean a different thing to each person. Each person likes different genres of music. People also like listening to music in different ways, like stereos, headphones, musicals, operas, or concerts. Concerts are a great way for people to listen to their favorite music, see the artist with their own eyes, and get a new and enhanced feeling from that same music.

I have been to a few concerts. The most recent one was on September 5, 2010. It was probably one of my favorite concerts so far. The reason it was one of my favorites was because I love the band, The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus, that was playing. It was an amazing experience. I have seen them in concert two other times, Warped Tour 2007 and Big Gig 2009, but this one was the best. It was a little better than the other concerts because they were the headline act and it was in a smaller location. Having it at a smaller location made it more personable, made it feel like you were closer to them. They were playing at the Marquis, which is no bigger than the main lobby of CCD. The stage was rather small, too. It was triangular shaped, the front was rounded with speakers lining the front. There were speakers at the back of the stage, as well. Above the stage there were colorful lights that lit up the stage beautifully. The drummer (Jon) was in the left corner, the lead singer (Ronnie) was in front, and the three guitarist (Duke, Matt - lead, and Joey - bass) were behind Ronnie. Ronnie and Joey moved around the stage a lot during the performance and the other three stayed where they were basically the entire concert. The type of music they performed was alternative/rock. They also had a couple of slower songs that were a little less like rock. I love all of the types of songs that they sing, so I enjoyed everything.

The doors were suppose to open at 7:00 but I was running late, because I was at the lake with friends before hand. I was so nervous that I was going to be late, I did my make-up in my friends car on the way home. When I finally got home I ran into the house and threw my clothes on, a pair of dark washed cropped jeans and a white tank top with black stars. Then I threw some gel in my hair, because I didn’t have time to straighten it, and ran back out the door. I finally got to where I needed to be and I met up with my friend and his three friends. When we got in we found out that the concert didn’t even start until 8:00. There were two bands going on before The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus, so we had plenty of time, after all. While we waited, we had a few drinks. There was a bar inside the lobby, it was on the right side of the stage. There was a wall partially separating the bar area and dance floor area. We had one Washington apple shot and about three PBR beers.

When it came time for The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus to perform, we made our way to the area right in front of the stage and we were about seven rows back. We were right behind the mosh pit so my feet got stepped on a lot and I was wearing flip-flops! I got ran into and elbowed, but I wasn’t too upset because its a mosh pit and everyone expects to get hurt. I thought seven rows back was great, but then my friend pushed me up a few rows, and I was now only three rows back! I was no longer behind the mosh pit so it was nice to not get run into anymore. It was also nice to see the band even better. By the end of the concert, I was in the very front. To be that close to my favorite band was absolutely amazing. They sounded incredible. They were loud, but not over powering. There were so many amazing sounds; I heard the loud rock music from the band, and from the screaming fans. The band sang all of my favorite songs.

At the end, I got a high five from two of the band members, Ronnie and Joey. I couldn’t have asked for any better ending to a great concert. But, it didn’t stop there, one of my friends got a guitar pick from the band and handed it to me. On the way out of the building they were handing out the bands new CD, EP The Hell or High Water, for free. When we were outside the drummer came out there and was on his phone and I got a high five from him, too. Not only did I leave with a guitar pick and free CD, but I got some amazing pictures with my phone. It was an incredible concert and fabulous night.

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